New New Doctor

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"Promise what?!" He asked really worried. I'd finnaly snapped back to reality when I herd his voice. When he saw that he finnaly got my attention he asked, "are you alright? What did you promise?" He asked hugging me tightly. "Chill doctor. I was just talking to..uh......I don't think she has a name." I said pointing my other hand to the necklace. The necklace glowed and a black tear shpaed gem replace the one that was currently there. "Ah that's better." She said sounding relieved about something. "That gem was too small for my liking." She said. "Lrya is it talking to you?" He said. I nodded. I put the necklace on, much to the doctor's disliking. I then went back to my main goal: finding the freaking kitchen. "Fish?" She asked. I walked around the tardis to find the kitchen. The doctor kept looking at me like he was expecting something bad to happen. Several minutes later we haven't found the kitchen and knew the tardis was wanting to play, and he still was staring at me. I turned around to face at such a speed it almost looked like I teleported. "What?! What's with you?" I yelled. He looked down, mostly because he was scared of my sudden outburst. I missed the fact that my eyes were my dragon eyes when I yelled at him. "Sorry." We both said at the same time. This doctor was very different for sure. He's like a overgrown child, if he's like this when he's happy I'll hate to be on the receiving end of his anger. It might take some time to get used to him. "Ugh come on! Were was his mother when he was growing up?" She said. I put on a shocked face to what she said and turned around walking away. "Ly-shad-lrya wait!" He stutterd at my name. I kept walking only to hide my face. Why did he stutter? Was he afraid of me? Knowing my intentions, the tardis made a corner and put a room there. I walked in and closed the door. The doctor saw it and ran around the corner, only to find no door and just a emty hall. Clara came running in, saying something he didn't hear. He wasn't focused on her, he was focused on lrya.
A\N: +1 follwer if you can name the reference in the chapter tittle. State which doctor, what episode, where, and who was traveling with him at the time.

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