The Spark

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"Is that all you got?" He taunts me. "Jack!" The woman warns him. "It's okay Gwen." He says to her. "Let me try." Gwen tells jack. "We can help." She tries. If they leave me like the doctor did to me I'll kill them and have them for a decent meal. I scoffed and turned around and sat facing away from them. I herd them leave. I looked out the window. It showed the full moon, with the moonlight filling the room I was in. There was no torch or light bulb. Doctor where are you?
Rose's POV
"Doctor your not even trying!" She yelled. "If unit has her then we already lost her. Believe me I know." He then looks down in saddened and guilt. "Alright were are we going next then?" I asked trying to fill his mind about adventure.
Lyra's POV
It was dinner time. They were trying to figure out what I eat. "Earth food or space food?" Gwen asked. Was she really asking that question? "Earth." I said quietly. "Now that's an improvement. Land or sea?" She asked surprise that I said something. I've been quiet ever since I've been brought to Torchwood. I didn't want to talk to anyone. If I did it probably wouldn't be pleasant. That spark of anger. The fear of being left again is what fueled it. The more I waited for him the bigger the flame got. I know Gwen is just trying to help. But what if she leaves me too? Well at least she can't travel through space and time, so I don't know why it won't hurt. "Sea." I said even quieter. She wrote it down and left. "Thanks." She said with a little smile. I faced the window which was away from the door. The moon was well out of my range so I looked at the stars. "You miss your family. Don't you?" I herd jack say. I don't have 'family' anymore. I said to myself. "Gwen told me you talked to her. Why don't you talk to me?" He asked. You remind of the doctor too much. I answerd in my head. "There is one man that can help. He is called th-" before he could say the name I shot a ball of plasma at his head. Jack manegd to dodge it and it hit the wall were his head was at.

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