The Fortelled Doom

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As I layed on the bed I starred at the ceiling. "I'll give you some of my time vortex to heal you. So you don't necessary need to regenerate. Your body will do the rest." The tardis told me and the room filled with gold swirls of energy. As soon as it touched me I started to feel better. I fell asleep cause I felt tired.
The Doctor's POV
Stepping back into the tardis and setting her to drift off into space. As soon as I made sure we wouldn't crash into anything I went to check on lrya. I walked into her room and gaped at the sight. Golden swirls were dancing around her room. Some even took forms of dragons or unicorns. There was even a golden tardis flying around the room! Lyra stirred in her sleep. She mumbled something I couldn't understand and the swirls fartured a bit. I left her to rest, going to the console. Clara was there......
Lyra's POV
I wasn't having any dreams so I just sleep peacefully. "My dear there is something I must tell you." The tardis said softly. "What?" I mumbled in my sleep. "I sense a great disturbance in the future. I can't see what it is but I can see that it will separate you and the doctor." She said worriedly. I woke up instantly at that thought and all golden swirls litterly died and fell into nothing. " it must been a bad dream. But it was so real. But what if it was?" I asked myself. I shook off the feeling, ether the tardis knows that it's wrong to mess with the events of time or she really doesn't know. I got up and took a shower. I stood in the shower for a while just because the hot water felt nice against my skin.
"Could you drop me off at my place for a while?" Clara asked. The doctor looked up from playing with his screwdriver with shock at asking the question and sadness if she was for real. "I need a break. Come back for me in two weeks, okay?" She asked. He nodded and set course for her place.

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