I'm Alone

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I did it! The device is able to make me look human. I'll use that as a disguise. I'll get out of here and they'll put a warning on the news to stay away from me. Then once they think I'm gone I'll strike again and again till the doctor shows. He will have to come save these precious humans. Pitty, I liked rose. I'm really did. Oh well, If I ever come across her I'll spare her. Now to get out of here. Oh well it will come to me later. I sat in my cell and decided to do another mind entry. I knew I never remember these but I'm doing for my benefit. There's no one to talk to. I then felt my anger came back and I shot a plasma blast at the solid concrete wall. Not even a dent. I looked out the window. The full moon once out. I sang a song that I knew, it also described how I felt. "Now I will tell you what I done for you." I started still looking towards the window. It was quiet but with the anger in me I was going to get louder. "50,000 tears I cried. Screaming, deciving and bleeding for you. And you don't hear me." It was a normal tone now. I'm changing the song a bit to fit this situation. I've failed to see jack behind the clear door watching me sing. Even if I did I wouldn't care. "I'm alone." I dragged out. Jack had a confused face but kept quiet. "Don't want you hand this time I'll save myself." I sang pushing away an invisible hand. "Maybe I'll wake up for once." Jack had a feeling that the doctor had something to do with this. As I sang I saw that I was beomes completly black. Not even moon light can reflect me. As if someone's shadow took my form and has eyes. My eyes changed to a golden yellow color, but still had the vortex look. "Not tormented by memories of you." I turned and looked at jack. If I was surprise that he was there I didn't show it. "I'm alone" I dragged out again but quiet. I stopping and looked at jack. I can litterly smell his fear of me. When he came close to my cell I knock him out with my tail. I went to a dark corner. I became invisible thanks to the change. I closed my eyes so I won't be spotted.

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