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(A\N: its best to listen to "animal I have become" by "three days grace")
"Run." I said. I then grabbed her hand and ran from what would have been certain death for her and me regenerating. As we ran I screamed "I would like to keep my regenerations for when I actually need them! This an't when I need them. We turned a corner and waited. I could hear my two hearts beating in sync. Wait two? That golden energy must have turned me back into a full time lord again. I herd his steps all the way down the hall with my superior hearing. I pushed rose into a closet. "He wouldn't forgive him self if he killed you." I closed it and locked it. On the inside of the closet lights similar to Christmas lights twinkled. A small TV kept track of the doctor and me. I watched as the doctor tried to find me. When he found me I managed to run before he could bite me.
Doctor's POV
I can't believe it. I'm after the two things that matter to me and trying to kill them. Hmm...let's see. I was pushed to the very back of the mind. Well the time lord me was, not my entire mind. I found lyra. "Please go before the monster I became kills you." I begged. She magned to run before I bit here. I then chased her again. Where's rose? I felt myself using...wings? Well that's a new one. I saw her turn and look. When she saw me she tried to run faster.
Lyra's POV
I turned to see if hes still there. He was. I made a sharp left and kept running. The doctor, if I should still call him that, wasn't so lucky. He crashed to his side. He shook off the dizziness and ran to catch up to me. There, I saw it the planetarium. With tress as high as I can see, which means he can spread his wings, and a pond a perfect fish source for a night fury. I looked behind me and saw that I was slowing down and he wasn't. Yelping in fear I kicked into gear. I made it inside and went far into it and made a u-turn. I grabbed a rock and as I was heading for the door I threw the rock at the door and it was going down even though I wasn't on the other side. I slide though the lower part of the somewhat still open door. On the other side I saw the doctor put his claws though the door till he removed them so they wouldn't get crushed. With the adrenaline gone I felt sorry for the doctor. "I did this." I said softy.
As I went back to get rose and tell her its okay to come out I mentally beat myself up. It was my fault the doctor was like this. He wasn't a 'doctor' anymore. The oncoming storm sounding more like it. The storm that would kill you if you didn't pack up and leave. I eventually made it back to rose and unlocked the door. "How is.....?" She was so scared that she couldn't finish her sentence. "Fine for now. For how long worries me."
Doctor's POV
She trapped me in the planetarium. I'll give her credit, that was a smart move. Thing is, do they know I'm still here in my mind. Right now I was fishing for raw fish. Why? I didn't know. I guess it was what I was eats. After it was satisfied it curled up and went to sleep. And so did I knowing I wouldn't kill any one in my sleep.

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