Big Softy

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When we got there rose was hesitant at first but when he didn't bite her hand off she started hugging him. We all went to my room. The doctor questioned the type of dragon. When out of nowhere I had an idea. I turned to the doctor and ran my my finger on his nose and went up. He looked at my hand and then came closer. I began petting him and he sat right were he was thumping his tail softly. Rose was trying to contain a laugh. She thought that this coming from her doctor, the oncoming storm. "Can't believe your letting her own you like that." She said. Something must have snapped in the doctor. Because he nearly took my hand off! His eyes went wide and snapped at my hand. I managed to pull away in time. "Sorry lyra its hard to control it." He said while purring at the same time.
Doctor's POV
When we got to her room I started to ask questions about the dragon I am. I'm called a night fury. She looked at me for a second and I saw a mischievious look in her eyes. I had no idea what was coming but she turned to me and put her hand between my eyes and above my nose. For some reason it felt good. So I told to continue by sitting down and she pet me. Why not? It felt good for some reason. I found myself purring and thumping the tail I've failed to notice I had till now. "Can't believe your letting her own you like that." I herd Rose say. My eyes went wide with at what I was doing. You are a mighty night fury your not gonna be owned like this! I didn't have control over almost bitting off Lyra's hand. "Sorry lyra its hard to control it." I said making a purring sound. I sniffed her hand, I didn't smell any blood. Why are you doing this? I asked the dragon in me. Maybe if you rid these humans maybe I won't have to take control. For gods sake your a night fury! He said.

Doctor Who: Dragon On BoardWhere stories live. Discover now