Water Bottle

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"Do you know how to fly one?" He asked. I got up and walked around the console looking at all the buttons and leavers. Before I was able to touch something golden energy came from the console. "Doctor I feel funny." I said. Everything started to spin. Due to his quick reflexes he was able to catch me when I blacked out. The energy was above my head. It showed images of the tardis and more. He carried to my room in the tardis. He put me in bed and closed the door. After a while I woke up. Knowing that the doctor wouldn't leave the tardis I wasn't worried. I unpacked my stuff including my thing I been working for months now. I have no idea whats I'm going to do with it. "Lyra! Lyra! Were are you?!" I herd rose call. "Coming!" I yelled back to tell her I herd her. I put it with other bottles of water that I packed. Forgetting to put a lable on it and walked out and turned a few corners.
Doctor's POV
After what happened I letter her to rest. An hour later I check on her. Her door was open, meaning she awake somewhere on the tardis. I walked inside her room to find her suitcase open and more stuff on the shelves. And what it looked like a stack of water bottles. Honestly does she know we got water on the tardis? I took one knowing that her missing one would not hurt her. And continued my search for her, not knowing what I just gotten. As I walked through the tardis I drank the water it had a funny after taste to it but nothing else. Then something strange happened.
Lyra's POV
"With you does he do that thing were he explain something at 90 miles per hour and you be like 'what?' And he'll just look at you like you just drolled on his shirt?" I asked rose. Rose laughed and said. "All the time!"

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