Still A Child

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The Shadow's POV
I dragged him to my room. He didn't even fight against me. His friend followed us. I closed the door and threw like I would my backpack. "Now I would tell you what you done to me!" I yelled to him. He knew that our race can cause some serious damage when we're upset or angry. It didn't help that I was girl ether. Lrya don't. Please! " he begged. I wasn't one for violence, and he knew that. Somehow that sentence fueled my anger that appeared out of nowhere. "Don't call me that! I told you what me name is!" I slapped him again. I don't know what to do. He deserves it and yet he doesn't. What do I do? I started to cry. I did it evey time I yelled at someone. He took notice. "I'm sorry for not coming sooner! Please just stop!" He begged again. For some reason my rage kept going. "Oh! Where were you when I waited for you, huh? Day after day had to sit in a cell in Torchwood waiting for you!" I defended. That's when the tardis decided to take things down a bit. She began to him that tune that calms me down for some reason. I kept crying though. He holded me as I cried letting the emotions I had bottled up out. "Now, " He started, his voice so gentle and soft. "Tell what happened while I was gone." He said. I told him how i was at unit and Torchwood, how I wanted revenge, and then how I killed, How I had the fear of being left alone again. "Oh lrya." He said hugging me tighter. "I'm sorry." He said. He let to continue to cry on him. When I stopped moving he looked down and saw that I fell asleep with my head burried in his chest, listening to the sound of his two hearts, and a line of where the tears fell. He smiled at my sleeping form and tucked me in bed taking off the device that allows me to turn to my dragon at will. Though he didn't know that he'll ask about it the next time I wake up. He pulled the covers around me, and by instinct he kissed my forehead. I was still a child to him, even if I was 500 years old.
A\N: the picture above is the best one I could find to describe lrya in the state she's in.

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