Recognize Me?

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I sat at the window and looked at the stars. Deep down I wanted to travel with the doctor again. I wonder if he regenerated yet. "You love the stars don't you lyra?" The man from earlier said soft and quietly. I nodded, not really knowing if he saw it. I turned around to get a good look at him. Purple jacket, floppy hair, most importantly.....a bowtie. The bow tie stood out for me the most because I think their cool. If only If i had one for my hair..... "What's your name?" I ask him. "John Smith." He answers. I remember when the doctor went by that name. "I use to have a friend who used that name." He smiled. God that smile, the doctor is still better but his rivals his. "Very common name." He replies. "He was the most uncommon man." I said looking distant and as I fully remembered the doctor. He saw the face I made and stopped smillling. "Something happended, right?" He asked. I nodded. "Mind telling me?" He asked like a child begging his mother to tell him a bed time story. I looked at him to make sure he wasn't from unit or something. He didn't look like a unit person to me. But then I had the weird feeling. It was weak. It took me a second to realize that it was the connection that time lords have with each other. I wonder if he's the doctor. I wonder if he feels it too. "Alright it started when..." I told of how I met my version of the doctor, our troubles we got in, and how he left me. I left put the part about dragons, unit and Torchwood cause if he wasn't the doctor he could possibly get them to capture me. "Hello lrya." He said after a while. "Your name's not john smith isn't it?" I said smiling. Then it fell and I turned cold and dark. "My name isn't lrya anymore." I said thinking on how he was going to punish me when he finds out that I killed people. "What is it then?" He said genuinly curious. "The Shadow." I could tell he was thinking on reasons why I chose that name. Before he could speak I spoke first. "Can we talk in the tardis?" I asked quietly. He nodded and showed me back to the tardis.

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