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"Do you think we should give it to Torchwood?" A voice said. I slowly got up, the drug was warering off. "It's waking up." The same voice said. I looked up and saw a woman with blonde hair and shorter one with brown hair a nice colorful scarf. "Let's wait and see if we can get it to talk first." The woman said. The girl nodded and came inside. "Hello." She started. I acknowledged her by blinking. "My name's Osgood. And.." She pulled something out of her coats pocket. "Is to help us understand you." She said as she put it around my neck. I made a human scoffing sound. "It's not talking." Osgood said turning to face the blonde haired woman. "Send it to Torchwood then." She said. "Does it get to kept the device ma'am?" Osgood asked. "I don't care." The lady said while walking away. Soon as she was gone I asked "is she always this cold?" Osgood was surprised that I seem to feel comfortable talking to her. "Only when things don't go her way." She answerd. She turned back to me. "Now. Am I gonna half to put you to sleep to take you to Torchwood?" No, considering the doctor and rose abandoned me. "No I'll go." I said. They put me in a crate ironic and loaded me in a truck. Or at lest that what it felt like. It wasn't long, or it didn't feel like it, that we stopped and they opened the crate. I saw a guy with handsome brown hair and woman with black hair. "Take the crate with you. She won't be able to escape." He said to the people that brought me here. Ether that it was obvious that I was a girl or he does that to all aliens he meets. They took the crate and closed the door. He clapped his hands together and said "lets what we got." Did he just call me a present? Oh no no I'm gonna be respected here. Before he could say anything else I whipped around and slapped him in the face with the tip of my tail. "Jack!" The woman said reaveling to had a British accent. Was i in London? I couldn't be sure. Could he be? Jack harkness? Still don't care. "I'm okay." He said. Dang that acent of his. Jack was helped up by the woman.

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