I Don't Have A Crush

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"500-ish. I lost count years ago. Sometimes I think I'm 800 , but whatever. I still can't date him." I said sounding like the time lord I was. "Why? If he really a time thingy.... Or whatever why not?" I really couldn't tell cuz I didn't know my self. "You know..." She with a hint of something I couldn't place. "He does look good with his hair up like that. Makes him look like a mad man." I made a duck noise, the one that ment I couldn't disagree with her. When I realized I made the sound. I covered my mouth. "I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!!" I screamed at the phone. I ended the call and opened the door to see a shocked looking doctor and a concerd rose. "Doctor?" I asked. "D-Doctor?" I stutterd. I remembered skyla telling how she got me out of a trance like this. I got the sonic, which was in his hands for some reason, turned it on and pointed at his eyes. His eyes followed the sonic's blue light. And when he lest expected it I hit on the head with it. He finnaly came back to hear and now saying how his head hurt. "Oh your big baby! Does he want a bandaid?" I said to him using baby talk. My cat clock struck ten o'clock. It said. "Meow! Meow! It's ten o'clock!" It did that for evey hour number. Rose laughed at it. We hit the hay for tonight. The next day I woke up and saw that the tardis moved onto my backyard. Rose walked into my room. "You know I don't blame you if you have feelings for him. I do." She said. Handing me a cup of tea. "Do you want to travel with us? Maybe it would be less bumpy if there were two people knowing what there doing." She said laughing. I shot up. "Really!? I haven't traveld in years! Let me pack." I said getting my suitcase out from under the bed. I packed eveything I needed and we set off. The doctor set the tardis to drift in space. To give me time on being on a tardis again. Rose was in her room while me and the doctor was in the console room. "She beautiful." I said talking about the tardis. The tardis made a soft purring like sound as to say 'thank you'. We laughed.

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