Arianna's Return - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

As Marianna took the baby to the bathroom for a bath. She cooed to the baby as she unwrapped her from the blankets, but stopped when she saw the glowing pendant around the girls neck.

"Curious," Marianna said, pulling the necklace from the baby's head.

The infant wiggled a bit but settled down in Marianna's arms as the woman held the jeweled silver up.

"Are you sure we want another baby?" Scott asked, pushing open the bathroom door. "Oh, what's that?"

"I don't know," Marianna said. "I found it around her neck."

"It's beautiful."

"It was glowing."


"Yeah, while it was still around her neck it was glowing. Watch."

She placed the necklace back around the baby's neck and the jewel that was encased in the silver began to glow blue.

"Well, that's different," Scott muttered, staring at the jewel in bewilderment.

Marianna took the necklace off and put it on the sink before finishing to remove the swaddling cloth from around the baby.

"Oh, does baby want a bath? Yes, she does!" Marianna kept talking to the baby as she started the tub.

Scott picked up the necklace and examined it as his wife bathed the baby.

"Well, let's get her to bed."

"I would still like to know where she came from." Scott trailed behind her.

"Johnny can find that out. Let's go to bed."

The following morning Scott called the family lawyer, Johnny, to ask his advice on what to do about the new baby. After being on the phone with him for what seemed like hours things were finally sorted out. Johnny contacted social services and after a lot of legal jargon, sweet-talking and promises; he was told Arianna would stay with them until her parents could be located; if they could be located. After hanging up the phone, Scott breathed a big sigh of relief and smiled at his wife. She began shouting with joy. They had their second child. An odd scene outside caught their attention and cut the celebration short. They peeked out the window and saw there was a big shaggy dog walking up and down the street.

It appeared as though he was looking at the house numbers but how could that be? Dogs do not simply walk around reading the numbers on sides of houses. Once checking all the houses, they watched as he walked up to their steps and sat down on their porch in front of their door. Figuring it was just a stray, they tried to ignore it. Scott looked out the window again after eating to see if the dog was still there. He was. Thinking it was odd that a dog would just sit at somebody's front door like that, he went to answer. Opening the door he just looked down at him. The dog looked up at Scott, grunted as if he was irritated for being left there so long, stood up and walked inside the house. Following the big beast, the dog led Scott upstairs to the bedroom where Marianna had just placed Arianna for a nap and sat down next to the cradle. He did not move from the spot. He just sat there staring at the girl with a contented smile and sigh.

"Well, looks like we have a new pet." Scott said smiling at the big, shaggy dog and laughing.

"Scott, do you think it's safe to have such a big dog with a baby? And don't you find it odd that he just sat at the door waiting? Then came straight to the baby? That is not normal dog behavior." Marianna said worriedly, looking at the giant dog.

"Yeah it will be fine. He seems like a good boy and obviously he knows Arianna. I know it's weird but come on what has been normal the past twelve hours?" Scott half told half asked his wife.

"Okay, true. What has brought on this nonchalant attitude suddenly?" Marianna asked her husband surprised at how cool he was being with all the recent activity.

"I'm not sure. I just have this odd feeling like this is all supposed to happen and to just go with it you know."

Smirking at him, "Are you feeling well?"

"I'm fine." He replied.

"Oh, did you see we got new neighbors too?"

"No, I didn't notice that." He said dreamily.

"Yeah two new families moved into the neighborhood this morning. Odd, huh?" She said looking out the bedroom window at the moving trucks.

"Yeah, very odd."

"Will you be able to watch the baby while I run into town to pick up some things for her?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine."

"Keep an eye on that dog."

"Sure thing dear."

The big dog sat next to Scott as he held Arianna. His eyes never moved from the sleeping baby.

Scott began to drift off when a soft knock came from the front door. The baby squirmed and let a tiny little cry before settling back down.

"Come in."

Johnny walked through the door and sat on the couch across from Scott's chair. He sighed heavily, placing his briefcase on the coffee table and watching his old friend with this mysterious doorstep baby.

"So, you found her on your doorstep?"

Scott nodded.

Johnny leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and his fingertips on his chin. He strummed each finger on the stubbled skin on his face while he watched the pair before him.

"The police and CYS will take the girl."

"Absolutely not!" Marianna shouted from behind Johnny as she walked into the room.

Scott looked at her, her eyes were wide as saucers and she'd pressed her normally plump lips into thin little lines. She shook her head as her eyes glassed over.


"No, Scott. We're not letting them take her and let her get lost in the system. What if her parents are never found? What if she ends up with someone who won't love her?"

"We don't even know her."

Marianna shrugged her shoulders and placed a bottle on the table. "I don't care. I already love her. There is something about that little girl that I love. I want her to be my daughter."

Johnny sat up and looked at Scott and Marianna for a long while.

"Here's what I'll do, not that it's legal in any way, shape, or form." He took a deep breath and crossed his legs. "I'll keep an ear out and have my paralegal do some digging for any reports of a missing newborn girl. I still find it strange that the child was just placed on your doorstep."

Marianna nodded enthusiastically.

"What happens if nobody comes forward?" Scott queried.

"Then I make a few phone calls and see about pushing through an adoption."

"How will that work?"

"Let me worry about legalities, you just take care of the baby."

Marianna nodded in agreement and took the baby from Scott to feed her.

"What's her name?" Johnny asked.

"Arianna. Her name is Arianna."

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