Arriana's Return - Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Oh, what's the matter Marcy? Don't like me anymore? Don't you want me anymore?" She mocked.

"You will never succeed."

She sneered at him, looking over his solemn face. "It looks like I already have."

"You're forgetting something though Theresa," Marc stated calmly.

A look of panic washed over her face but she tried to hide it. "I haven't forgotten anything."

"Arriana is Charles and Anne's child. She has their powers. All of them, including the power of foresight," he said, a small smile creeping onto his face.

As he spoke, Arriana walked into the room. This Theresa woman was actually Ms. Monegan. She could not believe her eyes as the woman transformed completely into her true self. She went from a gangly, pale-skinned, mean-looking old hag to a younger, thinner even meaner looking woman. She had raven-colored hair and emerald eyes. Arriana's heart was pounding harder than it ever had. She had no idea what to do or how she was going to defend Marc.

"I knew it! I knew there was something about the way you were looking at me today!" Arriana shouted at the woman named Theresa.

"That's right you little bitch! Now it's time for what you should have gotten seventeen years ago," Theresa yelled back.

"Oh please. Spare me the drama act, you psycho. Seriously, you've been waiting around for seventeen years? You couldn't track down a baby? You think you're so powerful and yet you still haven't taken care of me? You are a whack job lady," Arriana said, provoking her even more.

"Shut up!" Theresa screamed at her as she raised her hands holding a long black stick in her hands and looked at Marc with an evil sneer on her face.

"I was going to kill you first but I think I'll take care of him." Theresa shifted her attentions back to Marc.

"You think that will shake me up? Threaten my friend?" Arriana started to panic.

"Goodbye for good, lover," she hissed at Marc.

Thinking quickly and hoping what she was about to do would actually work, Arriana jumped in front of Marc and put her hands up just as Theresa waved her wand in their direction. Arriana stood her ground for as long as she could. A brilliant blue light emanated from her body and concentrated out the palms of her hands. As Theresa aimed the wand at Marc and now Arriana, she began to strain against the young girl's force. Arriana began to scream as she pulled all of the energy from the room into her body and began glowing an even more radiant blue, startled, Theresa lost her concentration for a split second, which was all Arriana needed. She gave one final shout and pushed all of the concentrated energy she just collected at Theresa. The woman went flying backward through the doorway and into the wall. Arriana's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she collapsed into Marc's arms. The blue hue slowly dissipated from around them revealing Theresa knocked out against the brick wall. Surprised by what he just witnessed he threw Arriana over his shoulder, bolted out the door and past Theresa before the unconscious woman could regain her senses. Running down the hall, he saw Deacon and waved him on.

"Move your ass, Deacon! We have to go! They're here already! Lucas sent his agents through already!" Marc shouted at him as he ran through the cafeteria.

As Marc reached for the door a bolt of black lightning struck the glass panes next to him raining glass shards all over their feet.

"There is no escape! I will get you! All of you!" Theresa screamed at them as she stumbled through the cafeteria.

Marc, who was still carrying Arriana, and Deacon ran out to the parking lot and got into Marc's car hoping that the woman in pursuit of them was still to delirious to aim her wand straight.

"Step on it! Get to Arriana's house. Now!" Marc looked out the rear window and yelled at Deacon. He noticed Theresa running through the door in time to duck from another crazed black bolt that struck the passenger side mirror.

"Why there?" Deacon asked.

"Her family and the locket are there," Marc replied breathlessly.

"Oh god."

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