Arriana's Return - Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"Alright time to wake up!" a loud voice bellowed from the doorway of the house.

"Oh, man. What time is it? Come on it's still dark out," Arriana mumbled her dissatisfaction under breath as she rolled over and covered her head.

"No time to sleep. Come on. Time to start training! Up and at em! Rise and shine." It was Barwick in all his morning glory.

He stood in the doorway, the sword belted to his waist while a bow and arrows were slung onto his back. He had a large mug of steaming coffee in his hands and left the front door wide open so the blustering cold could wash in through the living room.

"Barwick, go away," Arriana grumbled at the man who was chugging his coffee.

Beau stood up stiffly and slinked off the couch while stretching. He turned toward Arriana, grabbed her blanket in his teeth and walked in the direction of the kitchen with the blanket still in his teeth. Once she was uncovered, he dropped it and sat in a chair at the table.

"How about pouring me a bowl of coffee there Barwick?" the big pooch asked with a yawn.

"Ha. Sure thing Beau. How about you, Arriana? Coffee?" he asked the messy-haired girl who was glaring at them both.

"Well since the two of you decided to wake me up at this ungodly hour you might as well," she said through a yawn.

Sitting next to Beau, she stuck her nose on the brim of her mug and inhaled deeply enjoying the smell of the freshly brewed liquid of the gods. Sitting up she added her sugar and cream and sipped at the hot elixir while watching more snowfall outside.

"So who's training us today?" Arriana yawning again.

"Aroman." Barwick replied.

"He's the centaur I met yesterday right?" Arriana questioned as she took a long swig of her coffee again.

"The one and only. There is something else I wanted to tell you," Barwick started.

"What's that?" Arriana asked curiously.

"Well I was talking with Arion last night and he has decided to give his services along with a few of his herd." Barwick smiled.

"Huh?" Arriana asked confused.

"Arion is doing something he has never done before. He's going to let someone ride him and five of his sons and daughters," Barwick replied excitedly.

"Nobody rides horses here?" Arriana asked.

"Yes, of course, they do but not direct sons and daughters of the leader. This has never been done before."

"Oh wow, really? So who is Arion giving himself to?" Arriana queried expecting to hear it would be Barwick.

"You," he replied smiling.

"What? Me?" She almost spits out her coffee.

"Yeah. He said that he would be honored to have the young queen ride him into battle or wherever she needed. So you get to ride the fastest horse in all of Coresova," Barwick said proud as could be.

"Well holy shit, of all things. That's awesome."

"Yeah. He'll be here with Aroman at daybreak to begin your training. You better wake up Deacon and Zoe so they can get ready," Barwick told her.

"Oh, right. I'll go get them now." Arriana jumped up and ran from the room.

"Oh and I got a few more things for everyone from town. I put everybody's in their rooms. Yours are sitting on the other side of the couch." Barwick said motioning to the trunk she had not seen sitting in the dark corner.

"Thanks. You didn't have to do that," Arriana told him.

"Hey, if you and your family are going to be living here you have to look the part." He grinned from ear to ear at the girl.

She walked over to it, threw open the lid and gasped. There were the most beautiful shoes, dresses, and cloaks. The first dress she pulled out was a blood-red color with green lace trimming, there were a pair of black leather feeling boots that had silver embellishments on them, a beautiful silver cloak with white fur trim was next. It had black snowflakes stitched into it on the back. She continued to rifle through the contents and was amazed at how beautiful everything was. She grabbed an emerald green dress that was at the bottom of the pile and the black boots. She went into the bathroom and got ready. Arriana ran to Deacon's room first and jumped on his bed. Hearing the grunting response from beneath the covers, she pulled them back.

"Wake up! Aroman and Arion will be here soon!"

"So what's that mean to me? God almighty what time is it?" Deacon grumbled.

"That means you have to get your ass out of bed and get ready to go. Barwick put new clothes in the trunk that's by your dresser. I'm not sure what time it is but it's still dark out," she whispered trying not to wake everybody else.

"Why so early?" Deacon protested as he rolled over.

"Don't know that either." She gave him one last punch in his shoulder as she ran out of his room and to Zoe's.

Arriana slowly pushed open Zoe's door and was greeted by a gurgling snore. Stifling a laugh, she crept up to the bed that was under the window. Arriana smiled evilly; she knew how to wake up Zoe in the most irritating way. She got right up to her ear and started to blow into it gently make a wind type of sound. Zoe began groaning and rolled over. Arriana went to the corner of her room and grabbed a shoe, snickering the entire time. She unlaced it and started tickling Zoe's ear with the tip of the lace. After a few minutes, Zoe sat up shouting.

"What the hell is wrong with you? God, I'm trying to sleep! Arriana I'm going to kill you!" Zoe shouted, leaping out of bed and chasing Arriana down the stairs.

"Zoe, calm down! Okay, okay I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Come on. G'off! No, no, no don't you dare! Stop tickling me! Okay, okay, uncle! Zoe! You're going to make me pee myself!" Arriana shouted laughing as Zoe sat on her tickling her.

"Well, that's what you get for waking people up before the damn rooster," Zoe grumbled.

"Hey, it's Barwick's fault. We have training today. Aroman and Arion will be here soon. Go get ready."

Zoe pinched Arriana in the arm as she headed back up the stairs to get dressed. Barwick and Beau sat at the table just watching them.

"What?" Arriana asked sitting at the table to her coffee.

"Well, Arriana. Do you always torment people?" Barwick asked, laughing.

"Only Zoe and Danni," Arriana stated matter-of-factly.

As the trio sat laughing Deacon joined them. He sat down next to Arriana and let his hand gently brush against her leg under the table. Blushing she just kept drinking her coffee hoping Barwick and Beau hadn't noticed the blood flush to her cheeks. Twenty minutes later there was a knock at the front door. Barwick walked over and opened it. Standing there, almost as tall as the porch roof, was Aroman.

"Aroman! I'd ask you to come in but..." Barwick began.

Aroman laughed loudly. "It's quite all right Barwick. I'm not sure I would quite fit into your little home here."

"Aroman, hey! It's so great to see you again." Arriana stood up and walked to the centaur.

"Majesty. I pray you slept well last night?" He bowed slightly to her.

"I did until Barwick decided to wake me up," she replied.

Chuckling at the disgruntled queen Aroman looked around the room. "Is everyone awake?"

"Yeah, we're all ready to get started." She stepped forward and off the porch.

In the clearing were five of the most beautiful horses Arriana had ever seen.

"Wow! They're all so gorgeous! Arion are they all your sons and daughters?" she asked astonished by the sheer beauty of the creatures that stood before her.

"They are majesty and thank you for your kind words. Let me introduce you to them," Arion replied walking to his children.

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