Arriana's Return - Chapter 62

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Chapter 62


"Yes, Deacon?"

"I'm proud of you," he told her, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.

"Really? Why is that?" She asked him, smiling softly at him.

"You've become one hell of a woman, that's why." He smiled back at her.

"I see."

"And you are a magnificent queen," he told her.

"I'm not queen yet. Let's see how tomorrow goes first." She looked slightly worried.

"Everything will be fine tomorrow. You will be great," he replied.

"Thanks." She smiled weakly, turning to walk away.

He reached an arm to stop her. "Wait."


"I'm sorry."

"You've already told me that," she said bluntly.

"I know and I've still been a jerk."

"Yes, you have."

"Well, I am sorry. Friends?" He offered.

"Yeah, sure whatever." Arriana turned and stalked off.

"Geez, now what did I do?" Deacon asked himself flabbergasted.

He watched as Arriana headed toward the main table and took her seat between Henry and Barwick. He shot an icy glare at Henry who simply smirked at him.

Arriana and Henry finished eating and sat back watching everybody else. Her parents laughed and looked happy for the first time since their arrival to Coresova. Danni; however, looked worried. John was going into battle with them tomorrow but Arriana promised she would make sure he made it back safely and she intended on keeping that promise. Once everyone had eaten their fill and were relaxing Arriana stood up. She looked from family to family. From face to face and they looked back. She was getting braver about speaking to crowds, even though this crowd was turning more into family and further from strangers.

"Good ,friends and family. Tonight is a special night for all of us. Some of you may be thinking this is your last supper with your families but it's not! This is our freedom banquet! Tomorrow brings war, brings our revolution! We will not stand by while this monster continues to slaughter us. He wants to extinguish us! Why? Because we're witches, wizards, mythics, animals who can speak or because you simply believe in equality for everybody. Is it so wrong to be different? No. What does Coresova deserve? Peace and freedom. Enough blood has been spilled onto her beautiful soil. Tomorrow ends it! With the battle tomorrow we will end his reign of terror over the people, animals and land. Tomorrow I shall be restored to my family's throne! Do not despair for we will be triumphant! You have all worked so hard and I could not ask for anything more from any of you. You are an army any king, queen or leader would be proud of. That is why I have a surprise for all of you. With the help of Xander, Adia and Caleb we were able to make armor for everyone." They all brought out the golden armor of Coresova. While the people stared in amazement at their new armor Arriana smiled. Before you get used to it there is one more thing I must add in order for it to be finished." She waved her hand over everyone's chest plates. In the center a burnt looking weeping willow appeared. "The symbol of our life. The weeping willow is a mighty tree that is resistant and survives. We are resistant and we will survive."

Arriana pulled out one of the chest plates for the armor and held it up to the crowd. The shiny golden metal gleamed in the firelight. The edges were trimmed in silver with the newly printed weeping willow in the center. The crowd erupted into cheers while music began to play again. The evening seemed to go by too quickly. As everyone got up to go to bed Arriana just sat at the table, even when everything was cleaned and put away she still sat there. Lost deep in thought as usual.

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