Arriana's Return - Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

"He's this way." She turned to the left and ran down the long corridor.

At the end, she saw a set of stairs leading down into blackness.

"How are we supposed to see?" Deacon asked.

Henry stepped forward, lifted one hand. "Lightenium."

The dark passageway lit up and remained bright long enough for them to reach the bottom of the stairs. The bottom opened to another passageway that went off in three directions.

"Are you serious? Arriana why did your family make so many damn passageways?" Deacon asked in disbelief as he looked around.

"Shut up Deacon," Henry growled at him.

"Henry, watch it or I'll snap your neck, you pasty freak," Deacon hissed at him.

"Guys knock it off and let her concentrate," Zoe snapped at the bickering boys.

Arriana shut her eyes, trying to ignore the bickering boys. The feeling was getting stronger, which meant Barwick was close. She worried if she was too late.

If Barwick is already dead, can I kill Lucas now? If I do is that going to start the war right now? Arriana, hold it back. You're not prepared to fight off everybody. Not right now. Focus on saving Barwick.

"To the right! He's close." Her voice wavered as they headed down yet another long corridor.

"Here he's behind this door," Arriana whispered.

Standing back Deacon sent an energy ball blast into the door but it barely moved. He clenched his jaw, took a stance, concentrated harder and sent an even bigger energy ball into the door throwing it off its hinges. They unsheathed their swords as they walked through the demolished doorway. In the middle of the room was Barwick, tied to a chair. Lucas stood in front of him, looking irritated that he was interrupted. He turned and looked at Arriana holding a dagger that was dripping with blood.

"You're just in time." He smiled.

"What did you do to him?" Arriana shrieked as she ripped her sword out of the scabbard.

"Oh are you going to kill me?" Lucas chuckled as he stepped to the side, revealing a bloody and beaten Barwick.

He took a step toward the dog, smiling at Arriana the entire time. He traced the edge of his dagger along the top of Barwick's head, down his face to his jaw. Lucas paused at his jawbone, digging the knife in until another small stream of blood trickled down Barwick's neck. Arriana saw him grimace in pain as Lucas just smirked at him.

"I'm warning you Lucas, don't touch him again," she growled at him.

He raised his dagger up and slashed Barwick across the face leaving a bleeding gash. Just one of many that covered Barwick's broken body. His eyes were so swollen he could hardly see Arriana; the blood soaked what was left of his shirt and was a steady drip to the dusty floor below him.

"That's it. I warned you." She let go of her sword, letting it clatter to the ground and raised her hands to her face.

Closing her eyes she began to glow the familiar blue. She forced her energy into the palms of her hands and out at the guard to the right of Lucas. He went flying back and slammed into the wall. She repeated with the guard to the left. They lay in crumpled heads at the back of the chamber.

"Do you want to be next?" she asked him.

"You've been practicing I see," Lucas mused.

"You have no idea," she replied.

"So, is that what you're going to do? Take the cowardly way out and kill a defenseless man?" he asked.

"Defenseless? You have a dagger! How is that defenseless?" Arriana questioned.

"You have a sword and your powers. I'm defenseless compared to you." Lucas backed away towards the far right wall.

"You are unbelievable Lucas. You have been murdering people for seventeen years and you think I should show you mercy? Why do you deserve even an iota of mercy? I should kill you right here. What chance did you give my parents? To my family? No, you didn't so why should I let you live?" Arriana yelled, picking up her sword as she stepped closer to the man. "I should slit you from ear to ear right here you monster!"

Arriana clenched her teeth to the point her jaw hurt. Tears were streaming down her face as she slowly pressed the blade of her sword into Lucas' neck. A trickle of blood began to run down and stain his pure white shirt. He tried, inching himself along the wall and away from her but was unable to without slitting his own throat.

"Do you really think it would be fair of you to kill me now?" he squatted in the corner.

"Arriana, don't do it! Not like this. Wait until the battle," Deacon called her.

"Why should I? Why should I show him any kindness? Any mercy!" She shouted more at Lucas than to Deacon.

Closing her eyes, still clenching her jaw, she stepped back, sheathing her sword. She grabbed the dagger out of Lucas' hand and slashed him across the face, turned and walked to Barwick. She cut the ropes that bound him and tucked the knife into her boot.

He looked at the people surrounding him. Once his eyes rested on Henry a smile began to creep across his lips.

"What the hell are you smiling at?" Arriana hissed at him.

"My son," he sneered.

Looking at him confused for a few moments, she followed his gaze and her mouth dropped. He was staring at Henry.

"Your what?" she asked, her gaze never leaving Henry.

"He didn't tell you? Henry is my son." His smile widened as Henry glared back at the man, at his father. "Well boy, haven't you missed me?"

"Henry, what is he talking about?"

Sighing heavily, Henry let his eyes fall to the floor. Arriana's heart sunk to the pit of her stomach. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. This was one of the men she loved and he had betrayed her even worse than Deacon had. He was the son of the man who murdered her family and was trying to kill her.

"I knew there was something about you!" Deacon shouted, turning his hands and powers on Henry.

"You don't understand. Please let me explain."

"Get Barwick out of here. I'll deal with, with, that traitor back at the village," Arriana choked out.

"Oh no, don't tell me you're going to cry now. You are. You love him, don't you?" Lucas' evil smile was sickening.

He had gotten to her. He finally got to her.

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