Arriana's Return - Chapter 44

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 Chapter 44

Mary fell to her knees crying. Once the last of the light was in Arriana, Caleb stayed where he was breathing heavily, nearly fainting, he continued to watch. He stared at the now stitched wound and a smile crept across his face. His eyes lit up as it began to close up slowly around the thread. Arriana's usually pinkish color began to return and her chest began to rise and fall again. After a few more moments her eyes fluttered open. She gasped and sat up.

"What happened?" Arriana stammered looking around. "How did I get back here? Where are Deacon and everyone?"

She tried standing up but fell over. She sat back down, holding her head.

Oh I think I'm going to throw up. Where is everyone? What happened to me? How did I get back here?

Her parents and Danni stood there staring in disbelief. Arriana was dead! Wasn't she? They managed to break their stares at Arriana to look at Caleb who was in the same spot as before. He knelt there smiling at Arriana.

"I, I did it! I've never been able to use my gift! Arriana, how do you feel?" he stammered.

"I'm a little dizzy but I'm fine. What happened?" She asked, confused.

"You were stabbed in the fight. You almost died," he looked her up and down making sure it was really her and she wasn't actually dead.

"I remember a pain and then nothing. Are you sure I was stabbed?"

"We thought you were dead Arriana. No, you were dead! Why did you start a fight in the middle of the night?" Mary yelled at her.

"Mom, they were going to murder all of those people and animals! I was not going to stand around and ignore it. I'm fine aren't I?"

"This time." Scott looked away as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Guys, this is something you're going to have to handle. I'm a queen. It is my job to lead my army into battle. To protect my people! I am not going to stand around twiddling my thumbs while those who depend on me die for no reason! Caleb, thank you for saving me. "

"You're welcome, Arriana," he said, staring at Arriana in admiration.

The young girl who arrived in Coresova just a few short weeks ago was beginning to fall into her father's shoes. She almost lost her life fighting for another person and she was still more concerned about them.


She looked up and saw Deacon on Ronan. They had broken through the wooded area and were heading towards them. Ronan stopped quickly as Deacon jumped off and ran to Arriana. He put his hands on the sides of her head and pulled her in close for a kiss.

"Don't scare me like that again!" he cried.

"I'm sorry, Deacon. I'm fine. Caleb saved my life." She smiled at the man who was finally standing up.

"Thank you, Caleb," Deacon said to him.

"You're welcome." He said, still smiling.

"How did you heal her?" Arion asked Caleb.

"Well, you know how every wizard family has one special gift that others don't? My family's gift is the power to heal. I've never been able to use it before. So that was pretty big for me," he laughed.

"That was amazing," John said, stepping off the porch.

"What did you do differently this time than the other times?" Barwick asked.

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