Arriana's Return - Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

"Wow. I don't even know what to say," Arriana finally said. "Do you think I'll be able to do this? Do you think I can lead an army into battle?"

"I do, Arriana. I see so much of all three of your predecessors in you. You have the heart and fire of Frederick; you have the wisdom and strength of Shane, your grandfather and you have your father's kindness and compassion. Not to mention your mother's wisdom. There is so much power in you that if you learn to harness it you can and will be a mighty queen. Your reign can be just as long if not longer than Frederick's and Shane's." Drake said to her, smiling just a bit.

"I'm just shocked at how much faith everyone has in me. I have never felt like this. I've never felt like a part of anything or that I would do anything even close to this. It's an amazing feeling to know that I had such an amazing family, even if I never got to meet them. I am glad to have all of you here to tell me about them, to teach me everything I need to know and to guide me on my long journey home. On our long journey home. I will never forget the kindness and wisdom that everyone is showing me. Once I take back the throne, Coresova will be restored to its previous glory. There will be no famine, no strife, no war and no segregation. I will try my best to rule justly and fairly. I want to make my parents proud," Arriana said, tears streaming down her face.

She heard a sob from behind her and looked, Zoe was crying. Deacon had a smile on his face, while Drake bowed his head to the queen who had finally realized why it was so important for her to fight Lucas.

Dinner that night was filled with talk and laughter. Arriana spent most of it staring out the window watching the sky. She was lost in her thoughts when she felt something hit the side of her head. She looked around to see who it was but nobody was paying attention to her. She turned her gaze back outside and after a few minutes felt it again. She looked around but no one was looking at her. As she started to turn her head back around for the third time she caught a glimpse of Deacon. He put a pea on his spoon and was looking at her. She grabbed her roll and threw it hitting him in the middle of his forehead.

"Hey! What was that for?" he asked angrily.

"That was for throwing peas at me!" she shouted back at him.

"I did not throw peas at you!" he protested, letting a slight grin escape his lips.

"Liar! I saw you." She glared at him.

"Nope," he said, biting a chunk out of the roll she threw at him.

Barwick looked at him then at Arriana giving them both disapproving looks before bursting into laughter. "You are both ridiculous."

Arriana stuck her tongue out at both of them and went back to eating her dinner.

"Arriana, dear?"

"Yeah mom?" Arriana asked.

"How is your training going?" she asked her daughter.

"It's going great. Aroman and Drake have been teaching us a lot. I learned about my biological family today." She then proceeded to tell everyone the story that Drake had relayed to her earlier.

"Wow, so your family doesn't age?" John asked.

"We do it, just at a slower pace than others," Arriana explained.

"Do you want to live for 800 years?" Scott asked, letting his curiosity get to him.

"I'm not sure. I suppose if I am a good queen and the kingdom is prospering then that would be best," she said, furrowing her brow.

"What about when you get married?" Danni spoke up.

"I'm not sure how that works. Drake didn't really go into detail how the aging thing works. I guess once I'm married I can somehow pass on some of my aging gift to him and of course our children would be born with it," she said.

"Your family is also different in another sense," Barwick told her.

"Oh, how?" Arriana asked curiously.

"Well, normally only one gift is passed onto the child. Usually the fathers; however in your family's case more than one has been passed down. Your father had both his mothers and father's gifts. Your grandmother's gift was the gift of foresight; the aging was your grandfathers. As with your father, you also inherited your mother's gift. Those feelings you get about people, how you can concentrate and know what is going on? That is from your mother," he explained.

"Drake was telling us a little bit about all that," she said.

"Did you know that you are the first female ruler in Coresovan history? Normally the crown is passed onto the first born male, but seeing as how you are King Charles and Queen Anne's only child you are the sole heir to the throne," Barwick further explained.

"I see."

"It is a rare thing indeed to have a woman who is of pure blood and the high queen. Even if you are not coronated yet it's in your blood. That is why you're so tremendously powerful already," he told her, smiling.

"So, why is it so rare?" She asked, more confused.

"Well, the royal family usually marries a non magical person in order to keep balance and peace. However, when your grandfather met your grandmother he fell in love with her. The problem, she was a witch. He broke with tradition and married her. Your father followed in his footsteps. He met your mother during his summer vacation to the western beach and they fell in love. The following summer they were married. Since your family had proven to be such kind, caring rulers the people were happy that they were happy and celebrated with them. The entire kingdom was invited to both weddings," Barwick replied.

"How did they know I was going to be a powerful witch?"

"They didn't. They had no idea they were having a girl until you were born." He explained.


"That doesn't mean they didn't love you. You were their miracle child Arriana." Barwick leaned over and hugged her.

Arriana had tears in her eyes, again. It was hard for her to hear so many things about a family she never got to meet. Once Barwick finished with his story Arriana excused herself from the table and went outside. She headed towards the edge of the village and sat on a rock. She laid back and stared at the stars.

How do the centaurs read them? What about Drake? Do they really tell our destinies? Will the people accept me as their queen? Can they handle having a young woman ruling over them? I wish I would have stayed in Smithtown.

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