Arriana's Return - Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

She unsheathed her sword, looked around, and raised it above her head "We will not go without a fight! We will not die. We will rise for all Coresovans!"

The crowd rang out in cheers "FOR ALL CORESOVANS". Those who had fallen to Lucas' sword would finally be avenged. She would reclaim what was rightfully hers, the throne, the kingdom. The people would finally get their homes back. Their families would never be able to return but at least they may be able to regain some sort of normalcy. The army finished cheering and returned to their designated training areas and appeared to be working harder. Arriana made a beeline for the tree where the newest member of the survivors was still standing. She saw Zoe heading toward her but ducked behind one of the men who were heading the same way.

"Hey. Who are you?" Arriana asked as she approached the man.

He simply turned and began to walk away.

"I'm talking to you. Don't walk away from me!"

The man whirled on his heels and glared at her. Standing there, face to face with him she began to get an uneasy feeling that made her wish she hadn't approached him.

"Why does it matter who I am?" he snapped.

"Seeing as how I am preparing for a war and oh yeah, the queen of Coresova, I think I have a right to know who you are," she retorted.

"You've been queen for what a month or two? You don't know half of what is going on here. The war will not end with this one fight. You are underestimating Lucas and his evil." He narrowed his eyes at her and seemed to be seven feet tall as he towered over her.

"I do know what has been going on. My parents were murdered here, I was almost killed. I know it's my responsibility to bring peace back and to give these people some sort of normalcy so they don't have to live in fear and poverty. I am going to restore Coresova to its previous glory and not you or any other person is going to stop me from trying. Now, who are you?"

"I am Henry," he finally said.

"Okay, Henry, where are you from?"

"The Icy Dales."

"Where is that?" Arriana asked, confused that she'd never heard of it.

"It's North past the Northern Mountains and below the ice caps," Henry told her.

"Ah, I see. What are you doing this far south?"

She saw his calloused face soften. She could have sworn she saw his chin tremble.

"Well, you found me in those awful barred wagons didn't you? What do you think happened to me?" he asked.

"You were captured."

He nodded his head solemnly.

"Why did Lucas have you taken?" Arriana asked, getting more curious with each passing word uttered from his amazing mouth.

"A few months before you returned Lucas started to move his assassins further and further north. They had never gone past the Northern Mountains. The only one who ever ventured to our area was your father. He was a kind and compassionate man. Lucas raided our small city. His assassins slaughtered all they could see. A few were able to escape further north to Altonian. I tried to fight off as many of them as I could. My powers were no match for twenty armed men. I was able to wound ten I believe. They subdued me and threw me into one of those wagons and they were taking us all to the castle to be executed in the court yard. You really did save our lives," Henry told her.

"I had no idea. I'm so sorry for everything he's done to you too," Arriana managed to whisper.

"You have no reason to apologize, Arriana. I should be the one saying sorry. I really did not mean to be so rude."

"Henry, let's call it even." Arriana smiled at him.

"Alright," he replied.

"You said you have powers?"

"Yes, I do."

"Are you fighting with us?" Arriana asked, hoping he'd say yes.

"I am."


With that she turned and walked away. Her heart was pounding and she was confused. She knew she was attracted to the new and incredibly gorgeous Henry but what about Deacon? Just thinking Deacon's name brought a smile to her lips. She knew Deacon would always hold her heart. She walked back toward the practice field going from person to person watching them, giving encouragement. They were ready. Even with the battle two months away she already knew they were ready.

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