Arianna's Return - Chater 3

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Chapter Three

Johnny did as he promised and took care of all legalities after an adequate amount of time had passed since Arianna appeared on Scott and Marianna's doorstep. It puzzled everyone that nobody bothered looking for the beautiful baby girl.

But that big shaggy dog knew that nobody would be looking for her. At least nobody in the realm of normal humans. Her Uncle Lucas must have been searching Coresova since the day she vanished. Without the Storm of Coresova, Arianna would have to worry. There were three in existence and she had one of them. The old dog stood guard over the young girl as time passed. Sixteen years in fact. She grew from a sweet babe into a beautiful young woman. As each day passed he knew the time was drawing nearer and nearer. The girl became more and more like her father. Adventurous, outgoing, and a natural leader.

She was exactly what Coresova needed.

"Arianna! Hurry up! You're already late for practice. You know Coach hates it when you're late. He is going to make you do laps, again." A tall, brown-haired girl called down the hall.

"Oh, and how is that different from any other day? I'm always doing laps," Arianna replied.

She glanced over her shoulder and watched as Zoe waved before turning away.

Can she be any more perfect?

Zoe was a gorgeous girl. Her long brown hair hung down her back in soft curls and she always had a smile on her face which reflected in her emerald eyes which were the friendliest looking. Arianna was stung with a twinge of jealousy as most girls probably were when they were near her. Arianna though was your average girl. Plain and boring really. Her honey blonde hair blended in with her pale complexion. She wasn't overly pale, just in dire need of some summer sun. The only consolation that Arianna had was that she was a better swimmer.

"If you were on time for practice you wouldn't be doing them silly," Zoe shouted from the ramps.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I'll be there in a minute. I have to grab my history book and I'll be down." Arianna shouted back at her best friend.

Slamming the door of her locker shut, Arianna turned and ran right into the one person who made her body feel like it was simultaneously going to explode with butterflies and burst into flames, Deacon.

"What are you still doing here?" Arianna stammered as her cheeks began to feel as though a blowtorch was sitting on them.

He flashed a smirk and ran his fingers through his jet-black hair.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry Arianna. I didn't mean to scare you."

His heavily hooded eyes burned into her very soul. She felt as though he saw past her and straight into her very essence. It was almost creepy how she felt comfortable yet nervous around him. Sighing heavily, Arianna just smiled and helped him pick up the book that he'd dropped. She knew it wasn't his fault anyway. Instead of paying attention to where she was going she just turns and walks all the time. She easily scared.

"It's fine, Deacon. It's my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Sorry."

"It's okay, Arianna. I wasn't paying attention either. I thought you had swim practice after school?"

"Yeah, I do. I'm just late again, which Coach Doare is going to be mad. This is the third time this week I've been late."
"Isn't it Wednesday?" Deacon asked.

"Oh, shut up, Deacon." She replied

As she was handing him his last book their hands lingered for a few brief moments. It was long enough to send shivers down her spine. Feeling her cheeks get warm as the blood rushed to her face yet again, she quickly whirled around and ran down the hall to the ramps before he could see. Deacon was an odd guy. They had been in the same grade, in the same school since kindergarten. He was nice enough though. As Arianna stood at the top of the ramp, she turned her head slightly and saw Deacon just standing there looking out the window in the direction of the woods.

I wonder what is going through that mind of his.

He was rough around the edges but that's what made Arianna's heart skip a beat. The blue shirt he wore stretched tightly over his muscular torso while his jeans hugged at his hips and accented his long legs. The hair he'd pushed out of his face fell back in front of his eyes, but he did nothing to move it again. She watched him for a few more minutes, just admiring him while the sun glistened off his tanned arms and face. That face. He had a hard-looking face except for his eyes. They were soft yet piercing.

A girl can get lost in those eyes.

Deacon must have felt her watching because the next thing she knew, she was staring into his intense eyes. He was always so serious. Arianna turned her head quickly, blushing again and tried focusing on willing her feet to move. She knew Deacon saw her. She also knew he was now staring intently at her.

If I could go invisible, right now would be a good time.

She tried moving or at least looking away, but she couldn't. It was almost as though he had her hypnotized. Unfortunately, she didn't disappear either.

"Come on feet. Work. Move. Something. Please?" She mumbled to herself.

"Talking to yourself, Miss James?" Coach Doare asked as he snuck up on her.

"Coach Doare. Hi, I was just..."

He was looking from his watch to Arianna, who was standing there biting her lip and trying not to look up at him, "Trying to walk? Yes, so I heard. You do know practice started five minutes ago right?"

"Yeah, but I forgot..." she was cut off by Coach again.
"I don't want to hear it from you. This is the third time this week that you are late and it's only Wednesday. Is this anyway a team captain should be acting?" He questioned raising his voice.

"No, Coach. It's not. I am really sorry, and I promise it will never, ever happen again." Arianna forced her most sincere smile.

"Yes, I know you won't be late again because if you are that means you won't be getting your captains letter this year now won't it?"

"Of course, and you know I want my letter."

As she stared at him, his angry eyes burned into her, scaring her just a bit. 

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