Arriana's Return - Chapter 65

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Chapter 64

Standing in the tree line near the castle Arriana watched the guards pacing the courtyard walls. Every so often they would check the distance, listening, and looking for any sign of Lucas and the other troops. She smiled smugly, cocking her head to the side.

I wonder how long it will take them to realize there is something wrong. That their beloved king isn't coming back.

She was musing over her thoughts when she felt a light touch on her shoulder. She turned, startled, to whoever it was. Henry. He smiled slightly at her, his ice-blue eyes burrowing deep into her own. She felt her breath caught in her throat. His gaze was even more captivating than Deacon's. What was it about Henry that drew her in so deeply? The soft, luscious lips that parted slightly as he smiled? The tussled mess of blonde hair that gave him an even more boyish charm, perhaps it was his kind, soft and alluring eyes. Arriana tried her hardest to break the stare but failed.

Before she knew what was happening he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in close. With his free hand he brushed the stray strands of hair out of her face. Intertwining his fingers with her hair he pulled it slightly, just enough so her face tilted up towards his. He leaned in kissing her softly and gently. Arriana's heart began pounding. Her eyes wide open in amazement. His lips were better than she had ever imagined. She slowly closed them, wrapping her own arms around his neck pulling him in even closer to her. After a few moments they parted. Arriana tried her hardest to return her attention back to the task at hand.

Gain control of the castle. Yes, the castle. The, um, guards. Wow, okay. I can't just ignore that kiss. No, ignore it. For now at least. He just added a lot more drama to your life Arriana. How? I'm asking myself how? Even though Deacon is a complete asshole, he likes us. A lot. Oh boy.

Concentrating was harder than she expected. She returned to the rest of the group who were waiting for her instructions.

"Alright, here's the plan. Anyone who was in Lucas' army, I want you to go out front. When you approach the drawbridge play as though you're returning from battle and that you won. Once you're inside we'll charge in and just take everyone by force. DO not harm anybody. Take them to the dungeons until I am able to get a bigger prison built."

At the castle gates Lucas' former men shouted in to the gatekeeper. He opened the drawbridge slowly, cautiously. The men walked through. Arriana and her small army rushed in before the bridge could be shut. The men inside were taken by surprise, quickly subdued and disarmed. Arriana slid off of Arion and charged at the castle with Barwick, Marc, Henry and Aroman. Cartra, Edgar and the Dragons circled overhead disarming any of the enemy who may have escaped. Arriana lifted her arms in front of her, closing her eyes and concentrating. Her body began to glow blue, as it always did, and she threw a massive energy ball, blowing the front doors off the hinges. They ran in, searching for more guards and for Lucas.

He was nowhere to be found. Those who were in the castle were taken captive and led to the dungeons along with those who were in the courtyard. She sent Arion back to the battle ground to lead the prisoners back to the castle to be put into prison. Cartra and Rotet were sent to the village to have them move to the castle. Arriana removed her armor and her sword, placing them on her bed in her newly acquired chambers. She walked to the highest point of the castle and surveyed her land. The damage that Lucas had ravaged on everything was too great for her to bear. Her eyes welled with tears and she removed her locket and held it in her hands.

She raised her hands above her head. "Okay mom and dad. I'm really going to need your help. This is going to be my biggest spell yet."

She closed her eyes concentrating, her body started off a soft hue of baby blue, quickly turned to a royal blue and grew brighter and brighter the longer she concentrated.

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