Arriana's Return - Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

"Wow, that's awful," Arriana whispered.

"It truly was. Let's go find everyone so we can get finished up," he said.

They walked around and gathered those that they needed. Arriana sent Deacon and Marc to get a table while Zoe and Barwick looked for a map of Coresova.

"Alright. We managed to find one in the back of a book but it's small," Barwick said, putting the book on the table.

"You know what, hold on. I'll be right back." Arriana jogged off in the direction of the small library.

When she emerged, she was carrying a few large pieces of paper and had a wide grin on her face.

"What is that?" Drake asked, eyeing the scrolls tucked under Arriana's arms.

"Well, that little map is great and all but how about we use one that is slightly large," she replied.

Arriana put one of the large pieces of paper on the table and unrolled it. Grabbing a few stones she put them on the corners to hold it down. The paper was old and faded but the names written sporadically and apparent land masses were still visible. Scanning the map quickly Arriana walked away from the table again. She returned after a few minutes with a bunch of different colored rocks. She set them off to the side and continued looking, deep in thought. Barwick began placing the stones on opposite ends of the map and arranging them.

"Alright, black stones are Lucas, white stones are us. We will break off into six flanks. The archers will be split up into two, witches and wizards will be two separate flanks as will the non-magical. I want one of the archer flanks at the top of these rocks here, and the other split on either side of the field here. I want both flanks of witches and wizards in the center when we head out to the middle of the battle field. Once we're head on head with Lucas and his army I want them to fall back with the second group. We will advance, use our powers and do as much damage as possible. As soon as they see us lower our hands I want all the archers to fire followed by the rest of us charging. When we charge I want Cartra, Rotet, Edgar and the dragons to go in." As she spoke, Arriana positioned all the different stones and moved them in the way she was envisioning the battle happening.

"That all sounds good Arriana," Barwick said, still contemplating the plan she had just devised.

"I was thinking my clan would have a bit of a sneak advantage since Lucas doesn't know we're here yet," Drake spoke up.

"What do you have in mind?" Arriana asked him.

"Well, instead of us being with you we can sneak in from the northern mountains. It won't take us long to get to the battle field. If we keep enough distance between us and Lucas' army they will never see us coming."

"Hmm, you're right. We would have a greater advantage that way. Okay, you guys do that. We'll push from the south and you push from the north," She pondered as she rearranged the stones.

"Are you going to be able to kill Lucas?" Henry asked suddenly.

"What?" She eyed him curiously.

"Are you going to be able to take a human life?" Concern flooded his face.

"Yes. I'm hoping it won't come to that but I'm slowly mentally preparing myself for it."

"You know it will. You know you're going to have to kill more than just Lucas," Deacon snapped at her.

"I understand this, Deacon. Because I have to do something does not mean I have to like it." she snapped back.

"I'm sure the queen knows what she is doing and is prepared to do it." Henry tried to calm the two down.

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