Arriana's Return - Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Who are you strangers?" one of the fantastic winged creatures growled as she stalked around them.

Arriana felt her throat go instantly dry. The creature that stalked around the group kept her eyes on Arriana. It was as though she was boring holes into Arriana's soul.

"Give the correct answers otherwise they will be your last," the second winged creature hissed at them circling in the opposite direction.

Hearing screams, Arriana turned to look and saw her mom, Danni and the kids hiding at the back of the group. Taking a deep breath she stepped forward and faced the two strange bird like creatures in front of her. The first looked like a lion mixed with an eagle. His body from the waist back was that of a lion; however, the upper half of his body was an eagle. The second creature's entire body resembled that of a lion with womanly features, the wings of an eagle and the head of a beautiful lioness. It was uncanny the resemblance she had to a human woman. Despite the ferocity of the creatures they were magnificent looking and equally frightening.

"Easy does it, Cartra and Edgar." Barwick stepped out from the middle of the group with his usual grin.

"Ah Barwick, we did not see you standing back there. Who are...No. It can't be!" The female creature stepped toward Arriana.

She sniffed lightly at the air, her eyes going wide. She recognized Arriana's scent.

"Is it time already?" the eagle type creature asked.

"It is," Barwick stated smiling at the two.

"You look and smell so much like your mother! Forgive us majesty," the female said.

"Um, yeah, sure no problem." Arriana looked from creature to creature.

"Let us introduce ourselves. I am Edgar. One of your family's ancient protectors," said the eagle looking thing as he bowed to Arriana.

"And I am Cartra, the second of the protectors."

"Barwick told me about you two," Arriana told them.

"We are sorry majesty. That day, it was very tragic for us. We are glad you are safe though," they told her.

"Thank you, both of you, for doing such an awesome job. And think nothing of the past. You were fooled as it seems many have been," Arriana told them.

"You are most gracious your highness." Cartra replied

"I have to ask you though. What are you guys?" Arriana asked inquisitively.

"I am a sphinx and Edgar is a gryphon, the mighty protectors of Coresova," Cartra told her.

The two massive creatures bowed again and led everyone into the center of town. As they stood there people, creatures and animals came out of the surrounding buildings and woods. To their right stood five or six centaurs of various colors, beside them was a pack of wolves with one abnormally large wolf at the front of the pack, to their left stood a few unicorns and Pegasus, beside them stood people and other animals. The longer they were there the more Coresovans grew curious and showed up to the little town's center. Cartra walked up to Arriana, stood beside her, and nodded her head.

"It is time majesty. Let your people know that you have returned," she told Arriana.

"What do I say?" Arriana whispered.

"Speak from your heart," she urged the young queen.

"I've been told that a lot lately," Arriana replied nervously.

"Climb onto my back. I'll lift you above everyone so they can all see you," Cartra offered.

"That'll make everything easier," Arriana told Cartra sarcastically.

"You'll be fine."

Arriana climbed onto the sphinxes back and held on tight as the massive wings began to move up and down. She felt the enormous body lift of the ground within a few seconds. As they hovered in the air, Arriana spoke to the people and creatures below her.

"It has been sixteen years since the death of King Charles and Queen Anne, my parents. You have all been awaiting the return of the one, true heir of the throne. I have returned. I am ready to begin training alongside the warriors of my army. To lead you into battle and reclaim Coresova! It is time for Lucas to be defeated! It is time for us to rise up and show him what happens when you try to kill the Coresovans! We will not sit back and let our families be slaughtered! It is time for us to take revenge for our fallen brothers and sisters, for our mothers and fathers, for our friends and neighbors who have died at the hands of this evil man!" Unsheathing her father's sword, she held it above her head. "My father's sword will bring about the end of Lucas! Will you fight with me? Will you all be by my side as we take back Coresova?"

The entire village erupted into cheers.

"Good job. I could not have done it any better myself," Cartra whispered.

"Thanks, Cartra but I'm sure you could have." Arriana smiled.

Getting off the sphinxes back, Arriana walked over to where her small group was standing. Another sphinx flew out of the sky and landed next to Cartra. He laid his wings back and walked toward them.

"So it is true! Queen Arriana has finally returned to Coresova. Majesty! I'm so very pleased to meet you! I am Rotet, Cartra's mate," the second sphinx said.

"It's really great to meet you, Rotet. So, um, you're Cartra's mate? What that like a husband or something?"

Laughing. "Yes, I would be your equivalent of a husband."

"Okay that's cool. Do you guys have kids? Or would they be cubs?"

"No, we are childless." Rotet said erupting into a fit of laughter.

"Please forgive my husband's rudeness. He doesn't mean to laugh," Cartra told Arriana as she gave Rotet a dirty look.

"Queen Arriana? Queen Arriana, I would like for you to meet a few people," Edgar called to her.

"Yes, of course," Arriana said as she turned to look at the gryphon.

"We'll start with the centaurs," he told her.

"Okay, sounds good to me."

They walked toward the small barn where the centaur herd was gathered. A tall, red haired and bodied man and an equally tall, blonde haired and bodied woman trotted over to her.

"This is Aroman. He is the patriarch of the centaurs and this is Faione his wife."

"It's nice to meet you both." Arriana stared in amazement at the noble couple.

The pair bowed to the young woman and as they stood, she saw the smiles on their faces.

"We are very happy to finally have you home Queen Arriana. It has been a long time," Aroman told her.

"You know, a lot of people have been telling me that," Arriana chuckled.

"Well, that's because you're our only hope."

"There's no pressure there," Arriana sighed.

"You're nervous?" Faione asked her.

"Extremely. I've never had to do anything like this before. I'm not even sure what to do," Arriana replied.

"Don't worry, dear. Aroman is the finest swordsman in all of Coresova. He will train you well," Faione told the young queen.

"That's a relief."

Arriana studied the pair and smiled at them. He was a proud looking centaur, wise in his ways and strong. Faione, his wife, was beautiful. She touched his arm lovingly and looked up into the sky. 

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