Arriana's Return - Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Arriana?" Mary called to her daughter.

"What mom?"

"Honey, we're sorry we never told you." She stifled the sob that was stuck in her throat.

Arriana smiled at her mom and hugged her, went over to Scott and hugged him then Danni.

"I love you guys and its okay. I understand now. Honestly, I'm not mad. I'm just glad you guys are safe and with me. Thank you. All of you for being the most wonderful family a girl could ask for. If anyone should be sorry, it's me. It's my fault that you're all in this mess. I'm the one who should be sorry." She tears welled up in her eyes again.

"Sweetheart, it's not your fault! You saved us! And we can get used to being here. At least we're all together and a family still," Mary said, hugging her daughter.

They all hugged again and continued to walk the path. After another few miles, the path opened up into another clearing. In the middle of the clearing sat a cottage. It was all wood except for the chimney, which was made up of large stones. The porch was cleared of the snow and there were two chairs sitting out front with a small table between them, smoke was coming out of the chimney and a delectable aroma wafted their way. Everyone sighed with relief at the sight and the smell of the food. It was Barwick's house. They all knew it and were relieved to see it. Arriana started to get nervous as they neared the little house.

What if he's mad that we're here? What if he gets upset I used magic? That's ridiculous Arriana. Use your brain dammit! You had no choice. You had to open the ingression and come here.

She swallowed her fear and walked onto the porch. Knocking on the door, she stepped back. She heard little footsteps and the door flew wide open. There was a little girl standing there. It was the same girl from Arriana's dream! The girl smiled and waved at everyone holding the door open so they could all go inside.

"We've been waiting for you!" the little girl exclaimed giddily.

"You have?" Arriana asked.

"Of course! You're right on time! I hope you're all hungry. Dad and I cooked a huge turkey and all kinds of goodies to eat!" she stated excitedly looking at the set table.

"Actually, we are hungry. At least I am," Deacon said.

Everybody nodded enthusiastically. It had been a long time since anyone had anything to eat and they were famished. As the girl motioned for them to sit at the large dining table, she ran off and up the stairs. She could be heard calling for her dad, after a short while they both came walking down the stairs full of smiles.

"Look what we have here!" the man bellowed.

Marc and Beau both stood up looking at the tall, cheery man. On the side of his face was a scar. It went from his temple to his chin. Smiling at them, he hugged Marc and gave Beau a big scratch behind the ears.

Winking at her. "You all look wonderful! I'm glad you were able to find your way. You'll have to forgive me for not coming to get you. I had to be sure Arriana would be able to find it on her own."

"Barwick?" She asked shakily.

"Yes, your majesty, and this is my daughter, Victoria," he replied.

The little girl did a quick curtsy and giggled.

"We could have died!" she yelled at him.

"I knew you would be able to figure it out," he replied apologetically.

"How? I almost didn't. We almost died!" she shouted back at him.

"Nevertheless, you did not. Did you?" He winked at her again.

"Well, no." She bit the inside of her cheek looking at her shoes.

"Do you know why?" he asked her.

"No," she said, looking at him confused. She didn't know.

"Because of who you are. It is in your blood," he stated.

"What is?" she asked him.

He had a wide grin on his face that seemed to light up his eyes and accentuate his dimples. "The magic."

"Barwick, she was able to do the magic without a wand or any training," Marc told him.

"Yes, I had a feeling that she would be able to." He narrowed his eyes.

"How did you know?" Zoe asked, jumping in on the conversation.

"Well, she is the first Bawors to have two magical parents. Therefore, she is a pure witch. Add on that she is of royal blood; you have a super, pure witch. I knew she would be able to do it. Whenever she gets her mothers, err, excuse me, he said looking at Mary, her biological mothers' wand, she would be even more powerful. A great and might queen she will most definitely be. It is only a matter of time," Barwick told everyone.

"Do you honestly think I can defeat Lucas?" Arriana asked, interrupting them.

"Yes, I do. Now no more talk of that despicable, vial man or of the battle. Tonight, we feast! Tomorrow you will be shown around Coresova. If you want your family can come as well."

Arriana looked at everyone and they nodded at her, smiling.

"That would be lovely, Barwick," she told him.

The rest of the evening was spent in high spirits. They ate until there were only crumbs left on the plates. Chatting and laughing over stories of the past it was the first time in two weeks everybody was able to relax. Arriana gabbed happily with Zoe for the first time in days. Deacon, who was sitting across the table from her, was smiling at her and stealing glances in between the conversations he was having with Marc, Scott, and Beau. Mary and Danni were mesmerized with Barwick and Victoria's stories. They chatted the night away. It was nearly one in the morning when everyone finally turned in. Letting her family and friends take the bedrooms, Arriana settled in on the couch to get a few hours of sleep before the big day of exploring. From where she was she had the perfect view out the window. Watching the snow fell she heard the familiar sound of nails clicking on hardwood. Beau had walked down the stairs and to the couch. He sat there and looked at her for a few minutes.

Smiling at him. "What's wrong, Beau?"

"Oh, well, um, it's nothing," he stammered.

"Come on," she said, motioning for him to get onto the oversized couch with her.

"Are, um, you sure?" he asked, before jumping up with her.

"You may be my high counsel but you're still my big ol' pudgy budge. I was missing you anyways you big fluff ball. Get up here," she told her friend.

Licking her hand, he hopped onto the couch and curled up at her feet. The same place he'd been sleeping for all those years. It was where he always wanted to sleep. It was the place she wanted him to sleep. Despite the fact, he was an important presence in Coresova he was still her dog. Her best of friends. She fell asleep to the glimmer of the moon and sun reflecting off the softly, falling snow and Beau's soft snoring. Sighing very contently, she rolled onto her side and fell fast asleep.

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