Arriana's Return - Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

"Arion, slow down," Henry called to him.

"What's wrong Henry?" Arriana asked.

"It's going to be night soon and I'm sure Arion needs rest."

"I'm fine. Do you still want to stop?" Arion interjected.

"No, we should stop. We all need rest and food," he said, sliding off Arion's back.

He reached out his arms to help Arriana down but she was already on the ground, tightening her cloak around her shoulders. She walked around the small clearing but saw nothing except darkness and snow.

"Where are we?" She shivered.

"We are just south of the Northern Mountains," Henry said, glancing up to the sky.

"Now what?"

"We get a fire started, food cooking and get some sleep." He smiled at her. "Can you collect the firewood?"

"Mm hmm. I'll be back in a bit." Arriana walked off into the woods while Henry pulled out a few small bags from the sack he was carrying.

After the three of them had finished eating they curled up around the fire. Arion knelt down while Arriana and Henry leaned against him. Basking in the heat that was emanating from the small fire, Arriana unhooked her cloak and draped it over Arion.

"You don't have to do that, Arriana," Arion told her.

"I know but you're blocking us from the wind. You should be warm too." She smiled at him.

Henry was watching her with curiosity and seeing her kindness he unhooked his own cloak and pulled it around the both of them. Arriana was thankful for the extra warmth of Henry's body so she snuggled up closer to him, causing him to wrap his arm around her.

"Thanks, Henry."

"It's no problem. We don't have many people that show such kindness living in the Icy Dales," he replied quietly.

"What is the Icy Dales like?" Arriana pressed.


"Well I figured that," she laughed.

"Lonely. There aren't many people left."

"I didn't think there were any left in the Dales," Arion said sleepily.

"Most left when King Charles and Queen Anne died. They sought refuge even further north. They wanted to get as far from Lucas as they could. Emily remained, so I stayed with her."

"The old seer? She lives?" Arion lifted his head looking at Henry bewildered.

"She does."

"You're her son?"

"No. She took me in as a baby. My family was from the Northern Mountains; Lucas attacked our village shortly after the assassinations. My parents tucked me into a saddle bag that was strapped onto one of our horses. They sent the horse off further into the mountains in hopes that someone would find me. I still don't know if Emily saw me in the saddle bag or if the horse just went there on instinct, but she found me and took me in. Raised me as her own son."

"That was pretty awesome of her," Arriana yawned.

"Let's get some sleep." Henry pulled her closer.

They all fell into a peaceful sleep. Musing over the quest that lay ahead of them.

"Deacon, are you ready?" Ronan nudged the snoozing boy waking him from his slumber.

"Oh man, that was the worst night sleep I've had in a long time," he said, cracking his neck and back.

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