Arriana's Return - Chapter 53

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 Chapter 53

Caleb showed up to the training grounds shortly after Arriana, Deacon, Zoe and the newest wizard, Henry, did the following morning. The five of them were by far the strongest of the wizards in the village. Arriana was not sure how many of the witches and wizards were actually pure blood but she would find out after lunch when she had her meeting with the army. Deacon and Zoe were talking about the battle and what had been decided the day before while Arriana, Henry and Caleb tried to come up with a way to train all of the magical folk, whether they had to use wands or wanted to attempt to go without when they heard yelling from the wooded area behind Barwick's cottage.

Arriana's eyes got big and she gasped looking at Caleb. "Barwick!"

She took off running in the direction of the yelling, screaming for Barwick but was too late. When she got there he was gone. Victoria and James lay on the ground not moving. They ran to them but saw that they were covered in blood.

"Victoria? James? Please look at me?" Arriana knelt between them, shaking their shoulders, but no response came from either child. "Caleb, can you heal them?" cried Arriana.

"I, I don't know," he stammered, looking down at the tiny, dying bodies.

"Please try. Okay? Just promise you will try?" panic filled her voice.

"I will."

"Cartra! Edgar!" she screamed for her guardians.

They ran to the front of the group that had gathered and looked at her, tears streaked her cheeks and she had an intense fury in her eyes that had never been there before.

"They took Barwick. Those bastards have him! They came to our home, stabbed Victoria and James and took Barwick. We have to save him. Now!" she yelled.

"Yes, of course. Who do you want to take?" asked Edgar.

"Anyone who can come," Arriana replied through clenched teeth trying not to cry.

Deacon, Zoe, Marc and Henry were the first to step forward, followed by Rotet, Arion and his children, Aroman and his warriors and Cerate with his warriors.

"Now, guys. We go now!" said Arriana as she mounted Arion. "Once we reach the woods in front of the castle Arion and I will approach the drawbridge. Aroman, Xander, Adia, Zoe, Deacon, Marc, Ronan, Maverick and Meria; I want you to stay back hidden in the woods until the last guard follows us in. Cartra, Rotet, Edgar, Henry and Markamb can you surprise the tower guards and archers along the top of the inner and outer walls but be quiet about it?"

"Yes, ma'am but how do you know they took him to the castle?" Rotet asked her.

"This was Lucas' doing. He wants me there. He wants to try and kill me again. So, I'll deliver myself to him, along with a surprise. We will rescue Barwick. If he is hurt, well use your imagination," she said.

Arion and Arriana led the small group into the woods towards the castle. The looming towers of the castle rose above the horizon in front of them. Arriana dismounted Arion; standing there she just looked at the castle.

He's in there. Somewhere.

She began to walk the tree line, remaining behind the trees, scanning for points of weakness and trying to see how many guards were posted. It seemed that she was right, Lucas was expecting her. He doubled the guards from the last time she was there.

"Shit," she grumbled to herself.

She continued to walk around staring at every aspect of the castle. Of her castle. The longer she stared at the bricks the angrier she got.

Not only does he have Barwick here but he killed my parents here. He is living in my home. Staring at the enormous building brought stinging tears to her eyes.

"Arriana?" She whirled around to see Deacon standing there.

"Deacon? What are you doing over here?" she asked, wiping the moisture from her cheeks.

"I wanted to talk to you before we headed inside."

"Not right now."

"Arriana, talk to me!"

"What do you want?" she asked abruptly. "I'm about to fight a literal battle to the death. What do you have to say that is so important?"

"I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry for being such an asshole," Deacon said, taking a step toward her.

"Deacon, just stop. Right now is not the time. We're about to invade my parents, I mean Lucas' castle."

"Well, excuse me for trying to say sorry," he snapped as he started to stomp away.

"Grow up."

"You know, hanging out with another guy is making you look bad to everybody," Deacon taunted.

"Excuse me?" She narrowed her eyes at him, flabbergasted he had enough nerve to even start the conversation.

"You look really bad jumping from me to the new guy."

""Henry. His name is Henry. I was never with you. We kissed, once. Then you blew me off for every other girl in the village. If anyone looks bad it's you."

"Well, that's different," he said.

"How? Please tell me how you moving from girl to girl is different from me not hanging all over you? You're not the only man in the world."

"It just is. Anyway that's not the point."

"Yes it is! You are nothing but a vapid and shallow asshole," Arriana growled at him.

"You know he's only after the crown. He doesn't really like you."

"Deacon Tomasarrow, you are a pathetic, egotistical pig. I am not going to deal with you right now."

"Aria..." Deacon's voice trailed off as he stared at her.

The irises of her eyes had turned black and the pupils turned red. Deacon knew he had just pushed her too far. She lost control of her powers and it was completely his fault. He slowly backed away from her as small bolts of electricity escaped from her fingertips. A wind began to pick up and swirl around Arriana. Her eyes were wide with furry but her gaze was distant. She had disconnected with what was going on right now. Henry rushed through the trees and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Arriana. He looked from the frightened Deacon. Anger began to replace his fear.

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