Arriana's Return - Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

"The battle is in two months. Bring your warriors to the village the survivors have set up. It's four hours south of the castle," Deacon told him.

"It's by the ingression that connects our worlds?" Rajtan asked.

"Yes," Ronan said.

"I'll be able to find it. So, what brings you to my neck of the woods?" Rajtan asked, scratching his claws on a nearby tree.

"Bamboo and any other life-giving trees, fruits or plants," Deacon told Rajtan.

"Why do you need them?" he asked, perking his ears.

"Two days ago Barwick was abducted by Lucas. His daughter and a new boy were stabbed by his guards. Caleb Monagelic used his healing abilities to keep them from dying. It took too much of his energy and life so now he's dying. Arriana is trying to make a potion that can help to extend his life so he stays with us,"Deacon said, tearing up.

"Barwick? Is he okay? Is Victoria alright?"

"You know Barwick and Victoria?" Deacon asked, looking at the tiger curiously.

"Yes, of course I do. They visit my family and I a few times every year," he said.

"Yes, they're both fine. Barwick is a bit beat up but we were able to get there in time."

Sighing heavily, Rajtan sat down, getting lost in his thoughts for a moment. "At least they are okay. Go further into the forest. At the center is a large fig tree, take a few figs. The surrounding trees are the bamboo you are looking for."

"Thank you Rajtan." Ronan said.

"We will be expecting you next month. Stay safe Rajtan," Deacon said as he mounted Ronan.

The pair headed deeper into the forest, looking for the fig tree.

Arriana, Henry and Arion reached the mountains a short time after parting from their cap site. Arriana dismounted Arion, not giving Henry time to help her, and began to walk beside him.

"Will we be able to find apples and junipers here?" she asked him.

"Yes. They have some of the most delicious apples at the base of the mountain," Arion said.

"That's good."

"Are you ok Arriana?" Arion asked her, looking concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried about Caleb," she said, looking distant.

"He means a lot to you?" Henry asked.

"Yeah. He's a really a great guy and a good friend. I would hate for him to die because I asked him to heal Victoria and James," Arriana said, sighing.

"He knew the dangers. He would not have done it if he feared for his own life. He did the noble thing and saved two young lives. You are doing your best. You are travelling to all ends of Coresova to make a potion you don't even know will work instead of training for the battle." Henry comforted Arriana.

"Yeah, I guess but I still feel guilty ya know."

"Yes, I do."

"Are you ready to get this done?" he asked her.

Arriana nodded and mounted Arion behind Henry. They were off again toward the base of the mountain to get the apple. As they approached the orchard, they heard a loud screeching. Arriana looked up to see a strange creature flying toward the ground. Whenever it landed she could not believe what she saw. It looked like a gryphon only it was a horse instead of a lion. She stared in bewilderment.

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