Arriana's Return - Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Yes, they will be ready," Barwick reassured her.

Victoria began setting plates of delicious-looking food in front of everyone. There were heaps of eggs, bacon, sausage, fried potatoes, and toast. Coffee and juice were also on the table.

"Oh Victoria, you dear! This looks so delicious!" Mary exclaimed.

"Thank you, Mrs. James. I hope you all like it! I don't get to cook big meals often." She said giggling.

"Please call me, Mary," the older woman said to the little girl.

Victoria had a big smile on her face as took her seat next to her father. Everyone dug in and was too busy enjoying the wonderful food to talk much aside from the occasional "this is so good!" or "good job Victoria!" as the last sausage and piece of toast was finished off and everybody sat back to finish their coffee and juice.

"Well if everybody wants to get washed up and changed we'll be leaving in about half an hour," Barwick announced.

"Leaving?" Scott asked.

"Yes, we going to the survivors' village so that Arriana can meet everyone and make her first address to the army."

"So, I can what?" Arriana asked her eyes going wide.

"You have to address the army to let them know you're here, Beau told her.

"Can't they just look at me? I don't do well with the whole speaking in public thing." She already started to get the queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach that she always had when it was time for her to give a speech.

She had never wished to be somewhere else more than right now. Everything began to crash in around her as the reality of the situation finally hit her head-on. She, Arriana James, no, Arriana Bawors was about to take control of an army. She was about to begin training to hurt people. To kill people. She couldn't even swat a fly when she lived in Smithtown. How the hell was she supposed to be able to take a person's life? After training came the battle. A real, life battle. Not something on the history channel or read in a history book. This was something she would actually partake in. That she would lead. The usual thing happened when she was nervous. Her heart was pounding, her hands were clammy. She closed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing. She knew she could do it. If her parents could rule an entire world, she could as well. She forced herself to focus on the people surrounding her. They were her strength. They would help her through this.

"No, you have to talk to them," Barwick told her laughing heartily.

"Right." Arriana sighed heavily.

"Are you alright?" Danni inquired. "You look like you're about to throw up."

"I'm fine. You know how I get when I have to talk in front of large crowds."
Danni just laughed.

As they were all heading out the front door, Barwick could be heard moving things around upstairs. He came stomping down the steps with his arms full. Everyone turned and looked at him confounded.

"Before we go anywhere, here are some things I've been holding for a very long time and I do believe it is time for them all to be returned to their owners."

He handed a beautifully embellished long sword to Deacon, a large bow and arrow set to Zoe who just ran her hands up and down the bow with tears in her eyes, he gave an even larger and more elaborately decorated broadsword to Marc. He walked up to Arriana and laid two packages on the table that was sitting outside.

"Open them," he urged her.

She untied the twine that was holding the faded, rough paper on whatever lay underneath. Carefully, she pulled back the paper to reveal a long silver sword that had a golden hilt. There was an inscription on the blade of the sword. Written in beautiful calligraphy it said, "The one and true ruler." The hilt had a beautiful pommel with a griffin and sphinx carved on either side, the pommel itself was a weeping willow tree. She lifted it up off the table a bit expecting the sword to be heavy but, surprisingly, it was not. As she wrapped her hand around the grip the sword began to glow a brilliant golden color that was so warm on her hands and slowly washed over her body to the point she was glowing along with it. The glowing only lasted for a few seconds but it seemed like an eternity for Arriana. After it finished she looked around and everyone was staring in amazement.

"Okay, what was that?" She asked bewildered and alarmed.

Smiling, Barwick responded, "That was your fathers' sword recognizing you as the one true ruler of Coresova. Anyone else would never have been able to pick it up and if they tried instead of glowing gold it would have turned a blood-red followed by an electrical shock."

"Oh that's it huh?" she asked sarcastically.

Laughing he motioned to the other package.

"What's this? Something else that could possibly electrocute me?" she asked acerbically.

"No, no. This is not a weapon." Barwick laughed.

"That's good to know," she said.

She opened the package, which was a great deal smaller than the sword had been. There was a beautiful dress lying there. It was a deep purple with silver under layer. The chest area had minor embellishments on it that looked like snowflakes and the waistline, as well as the hem, was trimmed in gold. Underneath the dress was a pair of beautiful gold, brown-colored slippers.

"Wow. They're so beautiful!" Arriana exclaimed breathlessly.

"They were your mothers. Just a few of the things that were saved from the castle before Lucas destroyed everything," he said sadly.

With tears in her eyes, she hugged Barwick. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"You are most welcome dear."

"I'm going to put them on!" She excitedly ran inside.

Whenever she returned everyone stared at her astonished at the transformation that took place in front of their eyes.

Arriana went into the house little Arriana James and emerged Queen Arriana Bawors, Queen of Coresova.

"What?" she asked, looking around from person to person.

"You look amazing," Deacon gushed.

"Thanks." Arriana blushed and looked down at her elaborate slippers.

As they left the house Arriana was truly a queen, with her father's sword belted to her side and in traditional Coresovan garb. The group of people walked through the woods toward the settlement of survivors, excited to set into motion the demise of Lucas and the recovery of Coresova. Ahead of them, Arriana was able to see yet another clearing and the outline of houses. Rising above the tree line was small trails of smoke. Arriana began to walk a bit faster; she could not wait to get into the little village.

How many people are here? How many other witches and wizards are there? Will they all accept me as their queen? I hope I do a good job! Uh oh, I'm getting that sick feeling. I hope I don't barf on anyone. That would be very queen-like of me, now would it. She laughed silently to herself shaking her head.

They were able to see people gathering in the center of the town, curious about the newcomers. Taking a deep breath, Arriana held her head high. She continuously reminded herself about who she was. Whenever the group was about to step out into the clearing two massive creatures swooped out of nearby trees and landed in front of them.

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