Arianna's Return - Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Groaning, Deacon got to his knees as the men disappeared into the woods with Arianna. Ronan ran to his side.

"Deacon, what happened?" He asked, "where is the queen?"

"Th-they took her! Lucas' assassins took her!" he shouted, pointing in the direction they disappeared.

"I'll be back. I'm going after her," Ronan said, trotting off in the direction that Deacon pointed.

"No Ronan! You can't go alone! They're not human! One's a wizard!" Deacon shouted after the horse.

Ronan stopped and looked at him, "What? Lucas has wizards working for him? But, how?"

"I don't know and it's not just wizards. There are rogue witches going to his side as well," Deacon explained.

"Well, we can't let them just take her. Lucas will kill her once she gets to the castle. If I don't go after her now she will die. Do you understand?" Ronan asked.

Sighing heavily and nodding his head. "Yes, I understand. Be careful Ronan. Once everyone is here, we will join you."

Ronan nodded and galloped into the woods.


Arianna woke to a dull throb in her head. She tried to move her arms but couldn't. The harder she pulled at them the worse her shoulders hurt. Arianna began to scream as the pain shot through her body.

What the hell was that?"

She tried to focus her eyes but everything was still blurry. More pain shot through her body and jolted her as far forward as her bound arms would let her. Breathing heavily, she shook her head trying to steady her eyes. The world around her began to straighten out. She could make out trees and a fire. Sitting on the other side of the fire sat a burly man and next to him a smaller man. The pain was coming from him. She saw the wand first. It was sparking with electricity.

Dammit. A wizard. I have to get out of there. But how?

"Let me go you jerk wad! Untie me now! You're going to regret this, I swear!"

"Will you kindly shut the hell up? You are annoying! I am really going to enjoy watching King Lucas kill you," the shorter man said.

"He is no king. He's a murdering liar! Let me go and I won't hurt you."

"You'll learn it's best to hold that tongue of yours, brat," the bigger man said.

"Oh, the ogre can speak? You're not as dumb as you look, eh big boy?" she asked, trying to get him riled up.

It was working. They both stood and walked away from the area, leaving Arianna to her own devices. She started forming an energy ball, hoping to destroy the ropes. The heat burned her wrists, causing her to wince as the rope burned. She suppressed a smile and waited for her opportunity as the two walked back towards her.

"Quiet now?" they asked.

Arianna shrugged her shoulders.

"Good. Now stay that way."

She watched as they turned their backs to her. Slowly, trying not to make any noise, Arianna stood up preparing for a fight. She tried to tiptoe to where they sat but stepped on a twig snapping it. The two men jumped and charged at her.

"How did you get loose!" the bigger man shouted.

"It doesn't matter, I'm free and you're about to pay!"

Arianna held up her hands and let the blue light wash over her, she quickly forced it out through the palms of her hands and sent the men flying into the trees. Arianna turned and ran into the woods. Her head was still pounding and she had no idea if she was going the right way. She stumbled around until she heard them. Her heart froze. They had gotten up faster than she expected.

"King Lucas is going to kill you before anyone has a chance to save you, you little bitch." He whispered into her ear.

Nowhere to run! Nowhere to go! Stand and fight Arianna! Is this any way for a queen to act? Face them.

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