Arriana's Return - Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

"What do you think we should do?" Marc asked Drake.

"Well it seems as if our young queen can handle herself," he replied.

Marc rubbed his chin and looked at Arianna for a few moments. "That is true but what if she is not as lucky next time?"

"She can handle her sword well, it will not take her long to learn how to strike as well as defend. She is so much like Frederick," Drake replied.

"I'm not so sure." Marc shrugged his shoulders.

"Did you know Frederick?" Drake glared at Marc.

"Well, no. Not personally, only what I read in the history books."

"I did know him. He was a dear friend of mine. Trust me when I say she is exactly like her great grandfather. What about her powers?"

"She has already used them a few times, without the aid of her mother's wand or any wand for that matter," Barwick told him.

"Hm, interesting. Very interesting." Drake looked up towards the sky.

"What is interesting?" Arion asked.

"That she is able to use her powers without a wand. I have been studying the heavens and the earth for many ages now and from what they have told me is that there will be a time of peace, prosperity and great happiness. I always assumed that was King Charles and Queen Anne's reign but what I have learned recently is that this time will be preceded by a great anguish and a brutal battle. The one to lead the strike against the evil that roams the earth has immense powers that are beyond any person's comprehension," Drake explained.

"Do you think Arianna is the one to lead the time of great prosperity?" Barwick asked.

"I am not sure but if she is using her powers on her own. No wand or no training it is entirely possible that she is the great leader," Drake said.

"So that means we will win the war, right?" Marc asked, confused.

"No. Reading the celestial heavens is not an exact science. It is all left for interpretation. Has it been right? Yes in most cases it has but you have to take into account free will and human error, which the stars do not show. Being successful in battle will all depend on Arianna. The choices that she makes, the path she decides to follow," he told the small group.

"What do you think will happen?" Aroman asked Barwick and Drake.

They looked at each other then at Aroman.

"I'm not sure. I most definitely hope that she will choose the path she is heading down now," Barwick said.

Arianna walked up next to them and smiled. She knew they had faith in her, now if only she could have that much faith in herself. She sped up a bit so as not to disturb their conversation. She heard all that she needed. If these wise and honorable men had faith in her, she could as well.

The sun had long since set and the fires died to nothing but embers. Every person and creature slowly made their way to bed, hoping for a few hours of peaceful sleep though everyone was on edge not sure what to expect in the coming days. Arriana snuggled into bed, every muscle aching and throbbing as she lay there. Her eyes eventually closed as she drifted off to sleep listening to the soft snores of everybody else in the house.

The following days of training were exciting for Arriana. Never did she think that she would be learning how to use a sword or preparing for a battle at any point in her life. She knew they had to work hard in order to be ready for Lucas. The entire village was prepared to go to battle in case he attacked before they could have the official meeting and discuss when and where everything would happen. Arriana was nervous about that more than the battle itself. She would finally come face to face with pure evil. Was she ready for that?

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