Arriana's Return - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Arriana, what's wrong? You've been acting weird all day."

"I know. I just didn't sleep very well last night."

"That dream?" Zoe implored.

"Yeah, it's just had me thinking all day." Arriana tried smiling in order to reassure Zoe.

"I thought you looked a bit lost in thought tonight."

"Yeah, it was just the dream."

Arriana felt bad about lying to her dearest friend but she did not know what to say. She knew Zoe was not looking for her parents. Her parents never go to the meets and it was obvious who she was really watching. So, until she found out why Zoe was lying she would have to keep her guard up.

It was as if they were having a conversation with their eyes. Was that even possible?

"Hey Zoe, do you want to ride home with me and my folks?" Arriana asked.

"Oh, um, I would love to but I can't. I left a few books at school and I need to grab them."


Hmm, she wouldn't even look me in the eyes. I wonder if this is another lie. What on earth is this girl hiding from me and why?

The rest of the night went smoothly. The Tigers won the meet as expected. Only four more meets until the season was over. Arriana was excited to add another banner to the wall. She met her family outside and was bombarded with an overly ecstatic family. Everybody was asking questions all at once and congratulating her. They all walked toward the doors and to the cars when Arriana saw Zoe, only she was not walking with the team or going to the buses. She was heading to the parking lot, with Deacon.

Another thing that she lied about. Why has she been lying to me about so many things? This is not like her.

Things were getting stranger and stranger for Arriana and she didn't know why but she was determined to find out. No matter what would happen, she would know the truth.


School seemed to be the furthest thing from Arriana's mind the following morning. She needed to find out what was going on with everybody. The first people she wanted to confront were Zoe, Deacon, and Marc. Whenever Arriana was on a mission, nothing could stop her. This was her mission, to find out what was wrong and why they were acting so bizarre. The ride to Smithtown High seemed to go by faster than usual. She saw both Deacon and Zoe's cars sitting in the parking lot already. The only cars there.

"Why are they both here? Deacon has no reason to be here until 7:30. It's only 6. What the hell is going on around here?"

Hardly giving her jeep time to stop she threw it into park, grabbed her bags and ran for the front doors. She was set to find Zoe, Deacon, and Marc. She pulled open the doors and headed for the pool. She knew at least Marc should be there and possibly even Zoe. Standing at the Plexiglas that overlooked the deck, Arriana saw something that baffled her more than what she had been in the parking lot. All three people she was looking for were standing there. As she watched them, they looked up and saw her but didn't bother to stop talking. It was as though she were just another gawker watching the swim practice. She headed for the back stairs and ran down them two at a time. She threw her bags on the floor by the cupboards and barged in.

"What the hell is going on? What is wrong with you people? Why are you all acting so damn weird around me now? Do not even think about giving me some bullshit answers either. I want the truth," Arriana shouted at them.

"Arriana, what do you mean?" Zoe asked innocently.

"You know damn well what I mean," she snapped back.

"No, Arriana we don't," Deacon replied.

"Oh really? You have no idea what I'm talking about? Deacon, since when did you start going to swim meets? Especially the ones that are an hour away. And since when do you show up at the school at six in the morning on deck? Zoe since when have you and Deacon had private conversations? Moreover, why did you leave with him last night? I thought you had to come back here with the team to pick up books. You've been doing nothing but lying to me. You're supposed to be my best friend! Can I even trust you? Marc, why have you been disappearing more than you usually do?" Arriana shouted at the three of them enraged at how they had the gumption to lie to her face.

"Arriana we honestly don't know what you are talking about," Deacon said defensively, attempting to look confused.

Arriana could see through his façade. The dead give-away was his eyes. Those intense blue eyes of his could not lie, despite what his lips may be saying his eyes were hiding something.

"Don't lie to me Deacon! I know what I've been feeling!" Arriana screamed at him.

"What do you mean feeling?" Marc looked at her full of curiosity.

"I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like I can sense things. I don't want any of you telling me I am crazy either! I know I'm not! And stop trying to change the subject. I want my questions answered." Arriana started to cry.

She had no idea if she should be angry, confused or sad about all the lies and deceit.

"Has anything else been happening to you Arriana?" Marc asked her.

She could have sworn there was a hint of worry and concern in his tone, but she chalked it up to him still trying to avoid her questions.

"Well, no. I mean, I don't know. It has been so confusing the past few weeks. You guys acting weird, my family acting weird and that creepy weirdo with the scar. It's just been so... I don't know."

"Guy with the scar?" Deacon asked looking up in bewilderment.

Deacon and Marc automatically looked at each other, as if there was something unknown that Arriana was supposed to already know about.

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