Arriana's Return - Chapter 49

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 Chapter 49

At the edge of the village, Arriana slipped off Arion's back and walked with him the rest of the way to the stables. The two stood in silence as she brushed him down. Cartra and Edgar lay nearby napping in the hay. After Arriana finished with Arion she plopped down next to them and closed her eyes sighing heavily.

Man, what am I going to do? There is so much that still needs to be done. So much training, will everyone be ready in time? Will I be ready? I hate violence and I don't want to hurt anyone. Why can't Lucas stop being stubborn and just give up now?

"Arriana? You're back!" Zoe interrupted her thoughts.

"Oh, yeah, we just got back a little bit ago."

"How did it go?" Zoe sat down next to her.

"Well, Lucas is a real jerk and he needs to be taken out."

"I see. What did you two talk about?" Zoe asked curiously.

"The battle is two months from today at the clearing in the eastern wood," Arriana said hesitantly, looking up sadly at her best friend.

"Two months? That's it? We're not going to be ready by then Arriana!" Zoe panicked.

Arriana sat up and looked her dead in the eyes. "Well we better be otherwise everyone is dead. Training will have to be increased. Every able bodied person is going to have to be part of this. Zoe, this guy is not joking. He tried attacking us right there. They almost shot Edgar!"

Arriana ruffled the gryphon's feathers.

"I'm fine. That guard wasn't even close to my body. You were the one who was almost shot in the face," he mumbled with closed eyes.

Arriana smiled and leaned against him playing with his tail. "I know, Edgar, but seeing that arrow go through your wings, it really scared me and it was just a graze really. I think they were aiming for you. I don't want to lose you, any of you. You all mean so much to me."

She sighed biting her lip.

"You were almost shot in the face? Arriana, that is why you shouldn't have gone alone. He almost killed you."

"I wasn't alone. I had Cartra, Edgar and Arion with me," Arriana stated simply.

Cartra put one of her paws into Arriana's lap and rested her head on top of it looking at the young queen. "That kindness and concern is what makes you so much like your father. It is what will make you a mighty ruler."

"Yes, yes that's great but what about the troops? How will they be ready Arriana? How will we be ready?" Zoe asked, trying to keep her voice a whisper.

"Zoe, you are more than prepared with your bow, our magic lessons have been going great. We're just going to have to really focus and train hard. We can do it. They can do it. Have faith Zoe. Things will work out and everything will be fine." Arriana stared past Zoe and at the troops who were training in the distance.

The clanging of swords and battle cries could be heard in the stable as the small group sat there, watching and contemplating the coming two months.

"You know what, Arriana, you're right. If we train harder and longer we'll be ready." Zoe smiled at her best friend.

"Alright guys. We're not getting anything done sitting around. How about some training, Zoe?" Arriana hopped up and headed towards the practice fields.

"Good afternoon, men! And women. I have news. As some of you may know I went to have an unexpected meeting with Lucas today. He is just as vile and evil a man as there ever was one. He attempted to ambush us instead of sitting down to talk. The battle will be two months from now at the eastern wood." Arriana looked around the training ground at the shocked faces staring at her.

"Arriana? Is two months enough time?" Beau asked.

"There is no way we'll be ready in that short amount of time!" people began to yell throughout the group.

"I believe it is, Beau. You are all working hard, training hard and doing an amazing job. I am going to increase training times. I would like to start every morning at dawn instead of eight and stop at dusk. With the battle quickly approaching we need to squeeze in as much time on the field as possible."

The people whispered among themselves. They looked panic stricken and scared.

"Please. Don't be afraid. We are prepared, well armed and have the best swordsmen, archers, wizards, witches and creatures in all of Coresova. Lucas will not defeat us. He is the one who should be cowering in fear! He is the one who needs to be worried. Not us. We have so much running on our side. Don't doubt yourselves. I know I don't. I have full and complete trust in each and every one of you. When the time comes for us to defend our homes, our families and our lives we will be victorious! We will rise and show them why they can never have Coresova. The Coresovans will live! We will reclaim what is rightfully ours!" Arriana finished her speech to an eruption of cheers and yells.

She saw the strange blonde man standing by one of the trees next to the library. He never seemed to interact with any of the other villagers, just stayed off to the side on his own. His amber eyes seemed to glow from his snowy shade. She watched him for a few minutes before looking to the back of the crowd where she saw her general, captains and family standing; smiling. She nodded at them with a smile on her face.

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