Arriana's Return - Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Arion was right, Ronan is almost as fast as he is.

Ten minutes later they reached another smaller clearing that was surrounded by trees. It was a perfect circle and there were what seemed to be dummies set up.

"Well done, son. You almost caught me today," Arion said as he walked around.

"Thanks pop," Ronan said.

"Well, that was not what I was expecting," Arianna gasped as she sat on the ground trying to catch her breath.

"I'll say. I've never been on a horse as fast you, Ronan." Deacon collapsed next to Arianna.

"Thank you very much, Deacon," Ronan said as he knelt to the ground.

"So how long before the others get here?" Arianna asked.

"Give them about twenty or thirty minutes," Arion told her.

"Wow, how fast are you?" she asked him.

"Well, I'm not sure but I have beaten the sun and the moon while they are rising," he replied.

"Beat them?" Arianna curiously asked.

"Yes, when they begin to rise I start to run. I make it to their destination before they do," he explained.

"That only takes a matter of minutes." Deacon shook his head.

"Yes, so I suppose I am very fast." He stood near us physically, but his look was miles away.

"Okay then, you are really fast," Arianna chuckled.

"What do we do until they get here?" she asked.

"Relax," Arion said as he began to walk toward the edge of the clearing to graze under the trees where the snow missed the grass.

Arianna and Deacon lay in the cold snow staring at the sky.

"Something is wrong?" Arianna asked, sitting up and looking around.

"What?" Deacon leaned against his elbows, staring into her eyes.

"I don't know what it is, but something is just not right." She sat up, sweat beaded on her forehead and her heart thumped in her chest.

"How do you know?" he asked her sitting up next to her.

"Hello? Magical powers anyone? Arion! I need you to look for Marc, Barwick, and Zoe. Make sure they're okay. Take Deacon with you in case something is wrong." She stood up and ran forward.

"Arianna? Is everything alright?" Arion asked, looking up.

"I'm not sure. Please, go check on them." She urged again.

"I'm not leaving you, Arianna," Deacon told her firmly.

"Please Deacon, go."

"No, I'm not going to leave you to whatever is out there."

"Fine. Arion, will you still go?" She turned her attention back to the horse.

"Yes, of course," he said as he ran in the direction they had just come from.

"Deacon, can you do a quick perimeter check at least? Make sure everything is fine but don't go too far into the woods," she told him.

"Yeah sure," he replied, unsheathing his sword and heading towards the outline of the clearing still glancing over his shoulder at Arianna.

He never fully let her out of his sight.

"Ronan, will you go with him in case he gets into trouble?" she asked the horse who was trotting toward her.

"Will you be ok alone?" he asked.

"Yes. I'll be fine. I'm going to start checking on this side," she replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Yes. I want you to keep Deacon safe. Please don't let anything happen to him," she pleaded with him.

Seeing the desperation in her face, he nodded his head, "Of course."

As she watched Ronan head off in Deacons direction, she walked to the opposite side of the clearing. As she neared the woods, she knew that was the wrong move. Turning to run she tripped and fell when her feet got caught in her own cloak.

"Aw, did the little princess fall and hurt her dainty knees?" a rough, menacing voice called.

She stood up and looked around, but nobody was there. She backed away slowly bumping into someone as she did. Gasping, she tried to run but the person grabbed her.

"Let me go! Who are you?" she shouted.

"Don't worry about that little lady. There is someone who wants to meet you. You shouldn't have been wandering around by yourself," the rough sounding man said.

"You better let me go. Hey, don't pick me up! Put me down you jerk!" she screamed.

"Ah, now you're calling me names. That's not very royal-like of you," the made growled at her.

"I don't care, you asshole. Put me down! Deacon!" she shouted even louder.

As she called for Deacon, Arianna felt a horrendous pain wash over her. The source of this discomfort came from her left temple. She could feel a liquid sliding down her face. As she tried to force herself to focus but darkness began to wash over her. She eventually succumbed to the warmth the black brought about. Her body fell limp in her captor's arms. His evil smile showed his yellowing teeth. He wiped his arm off on his pant leg where Arianna's head had bled. Deacon came running into the clearing as the big man was walking into the woods with Arianna slumped over his shoulder.

"Arianna! No!" he shouted chasing after her.

Deacon ran across the clearing until another, smaller man stepped in front of him sneering.

"Tsk, tsk young man. Leaving your queen unprotected. What will the mighty Barwick have to say about this?" the man laughed.

"Let her go or I will kill you!" he shouted at the strange man.

"Oh, now threats are not nice. A person can get into trouble for saying such things. You should watch your mouth little boy," the man growled.

As Deacon charged at the man he raised his sword above his head, the man; however, pulled a long brown stick out of his vest. A wand. Deacon gasped when he realized the small weasel looking man was, in fact, a wizard.

"You're a wizard?"

"Very good Deacon. Traversion repllion," the man shouted, pointing the crude wand at Deacon.

Deacon rose into the air and flew backward.

"King Lucas is waiting for his guest at the castle, so we really must be going," the man said.

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