Arriana's Return - Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

They nodded their heads at one another. Marc took in a deep breath and started speaking not knowing how Arriana would handle what she was about to hear.

"This scar the guy had, did it go from his temple to his chin?" He asked

"Yeah, it did actually. How do you know that?" Arriana asked narrowing her eyes at him.

Is it possible that they are all connected? How is that even possible though? Is my family in on this? They would never keep this from me though. Would they?

"That is Barwick," Marc sighed heavily. "We've been waiting for him to come back for all of us."

"That's the dream you had?" Zoe asked her.

"What do you mean?" Arriana asked glaring at them.

"How many have you had?" Zoe continued asking, ignoring Arriana's question.

"It was just the one," Arriana replied. She thought her head was going to explode.

"Did you recognize where you were?" Deacon asked.

"No. That Barwhatshisname called it Coresovilakia or something," Arriana said.

"Coresova," Marc corrected her.

"How do you know that?" Arriana demanded starting to get irritated and frustrated again.

"Well it's a rather long story," Deacon said biting his lip.

"I have time. Start talking." She growled through clenched teeth.

Zoe, Marc and Deacon just looked at each other not sure whether they should tell her or let her parents do all the talking. They knew the time was approaching for Arriana to begin her journey home to take over but none of them would have guessed it would have happened so quickly.

"Arriana, dear, you are not who you think you are. Neither are we, your parents, your sister or even your dog." Zoe began.

"What?" She was looking at Zoe exasperated.

"You probably are not going to believe us but here goes. You are not from this world." Deacon was motioning around him.

Staring blankly at him, Arriana for once in her life was speechless.

This has to be some sort of dream or a, a joke. I'm not of this world? What am I then? An alien?

She just laughed bitterly to herself

"You're from a parallel world called Coresova. Your real parents sent you here the night you were born," Marc said waiting for Arriana to soak it in a little bit.

"My what?" she asked, not believing what she was hearing.

My real parents? I'm adopted?

"Your real parents were King Charles and Queen Anne. The night you were born they were murdered along with all those who were loyal to them. The ones who refused to denounce your family name and the fact you were rightful heirs to the throne were either murdered or somehow managed to escape to the woods. You were smuggled out of the castle and sent here shortly before the murders occurred. The king and queen endowed Barwick with a small bit of their power that enabled him to close all ingressions between the worlds so that Lucas would not be able to follow you. We were sent here before you were born to be your protectors. Your family's guardians are waiting for you on the other side, Cartra and Edgar. They were to be your primary guardians throughout your life. We don't even know if they are alive though." Marc took a tentative step toward Arriana, she looked as though she was about to pass out.

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