Arriana's Return - Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"They're coming." She whispered.

"What? Who is?" Zoe asked.

"Them. Lucas's assassins. They're headed this way! Quickly, follow me," Arriana said, jumping up.

Arriana wadded through the stream and jogged into the woods with the small group following close behind her. After running for what seemed an eternity, she stopped and looked up at the sky, then around the woods.

Closing her eyes she breathed slowly, listening to the whispers around her. "It's this way," she told them.

Everybody was too afraid and nervous to question her judgment seeing as how she was the only one of them with any sort of direction. She turned to the right and continued at a slower rate. They just about ran into the enormous weeping willow while they continued on their path. Arriana just stood there staring at it. She knew that the only way they would not die was if she somehow opened the ingression between the worlds. She wasn't sure how she knew but this tree was the ingression.

"This is it. The tree is the ingression."

"Are you sure?" Scott asked her.

Nobody bothered questioning her anymore. They knew some other force was guiding her along the way.

"Ok. Well, what am I supposed to do?" Arriana asked stressing out.

"Just close your eyes and focus. How did you block the curse from Theresa?" Marc asked her.

"The what? You mean the words she said? I don't know how I did that. I just put my hands up and was running on adrenaline really," she replied.

"What were you thinking about when you did that?" Marc prodded her.

"I just thought about not letting you die. I just thought that maybe if I really did have these powers that wand or no wand I should be able to use them," she said looking at him with fear in her eyes.

"Well then think about saving us now." Marc grabbed onto her shoulders and starring into her eyes.

"Yeah, because it's that easy." She was exasperated by the day's events. "Oh god. I better do something."

"Why?" Mary asked her daughter.

"They're here," she whispered.

"They? They who?" John asked sounding scared.

Arriana was trying to focus on the tree as she yelled, "The Easter bunny. Dammit John, who have I been talking about? The assassins, the damn assassins! They're coming up the path. Guys get ready."

"We can't fight them Arriana. We don't have our weapons!" Zoe yelled at her.

"Find something!" Arriana shouted not bothering to look over her shoulder.

Focusing on what she was doing, Arriana held her hands up to the mighty weeping willow that stood before her. Trying to remember what she did back in Marc's office but she couldn't. She began to get frustrated and could hear the agents getting closer to them. She didn't know what to do. Her heart was pounding, perspiration began to gather on her forehead and her palms were clammy.

Think Arriana! Think! Okay, what did you do in the office? I was scared for Marc's life. I wanted to save him. Well now you have fourteen lives to fear for so why aren't you doing this? Focus Arriana! Focus!

Closing her eyes, she put her hands up again trying to force whatever she had left in her out. Nothing was happening. She tried repeatedly but with the same result. She knew she had to hurry and figure out how to get her powers to work otherwise they would all be dead. She stared at the stars in the sky, letting the tears run down her cheeks. Her frustration was getting to be too much for her to handle. Everyone was already expecting so much from her and she wasn't even the queen yet.

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