Arriana's Return - Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

"Arriana what are you doing sweetheart?" her mom asked.

Ignoring her mother she looked around. "Barwick, we need to head into the woods."

"What?" Zoe looked confused and concerned.

"There is something out there and we need to find out what it is tonight," she said panicky.

"Are you sure Arriana?" Marc stood up and was reaching for his scabbard which was resting on the window sill.

"Yes." She turned and headed out the door towards the horses and centaurs.

"Aroman? Are you awake?" she whispered trying not to disturb his clan.

"Yes majesty. What is wrong?" He asked.

"Something is not right in the woods. We're heading in for a search. Will you come with us?" she asked.

"Of course." Aroman stood up and followed everyone to where Arion and his herd were sleeping

They woke up Arion and the rest and headed toward the woods. Once inside Arriana told Arion where to go.

"Slowly. I don't know what or who is here," she whispered to the mighty horse.

"Yes," he whispered back.

The group headed further and further into the woods. Arriana did not know where they were going but knew how to get there. The soft orange glow of a fire could be seen up ahead. Arriana dismounted Arion. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

"Arriana, you are not going alone," Deacon protested.

"And if we all go we'll make more noise and attract whoever or whatever that is to us. I'm the queen, I say who goes. I am going. Stay put, she commanded him.

She slowly crept to the light staying unseen behind trees. Once she was close enough to see into the clearing the sight made her sick. Surrounding the fire were tents, behind the tents were what looked like barred wagons. They were full of animals and people. Looking to see how many armed men there were, Arriana backed up slowly and crept to her small group.

"Okay. There are about forty armed men guarding these barred wagons filled with animals and people. If these are more of Lucas' assassins we need to deal with the men and rescue everyone," she whispered.

"What do you want to do?" Marc asked, waiting for instructions.

"I'll go in first and make a distraction somehow. Once I have them focused on me I want you guys to come in from behind. We'll take them out that way."

"There are only six of us, Arriana. How are we going to take on forty guys?" Zoe asked.

"If you count Arion and his sons and daughters there are eleven of us." She stated.

"If you wait for half an hour I will be back with a few of my warriors, the minotaurs', Cartra, Rotet and Edgar," Aroman said.

"No Aroman. That's too long. Arion, you and Ronan go," Arriana said, looking at them.

"Yes majesty." He and Ronan turned and ran into the woods.

Fifteen minutes later Arion and Ronan returned.

"Ten minutes for the centaurs and minotaurs'. Cartra, Rotet and Edgar should be here soon." As he finished speaking, the sphinxes and gryphon landed.

"Majesty what is wrong?" Cartra asked Arriana.

"There are prisoners being kept over there. There are approximately forty armed men guarding the cages. We need to rescue the prisoners before they are killed." Arriana said, staring into the sphinxes eyes.

As Arriana finished telling them what was going on the centaurs and minotaurs' crept up to the group.

"We are ready Queen Arriana." Cerate told her bowing.

"Okay. Here is what we're going to do. I'm going to walk into the middle of their camp and cause a distraction. Cerate, I want you and your clan to take them on the left. Aroman, I want your clan to take them from the right. Arion, you're at the south and the rest of you guys can you get the north. Wait for my signal, which will be my distraction, and attack. Do not kill them unless you absolutely have to. " Arriana handed out the orders.

"Addi, what kind of distraction are you going to cause?" Deacon asked.

"I'll figure out something but once you see it happen, attack."

"You don't even know what you're going to do?" Zoe looked at her stunned.

"You'll know what my distraction is. Just attack when you see it."

"Yes, ma'am," they all replied

As everyone got into position, Deacon grabbed Arriana's wrist as she headed into the camp and kissed her.

"Be careful," he whispered.

She nodded her head and got focused.

Ok Arriana, you have the advantage this time. You are sneaking up on them. You must use your power. Create a distraction and save these people! You can do it! You will do it!

She walked in between the tents and to the fire. The men who were sitting around began to stand up confused by this intruder.

"Who are you?" One man asked.

"Explain this!" Another shouted.

"Kill her!" A third yelled.

"Kill me? Do you really think it would be a good idea to kill the queen of Coresova?" She smiled at them.

"It's her! It's the girl King Lucas is searching for!" They all started to rush at her at once.

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