Arriana's Return - Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

The first son they walked up to was a brilliant red chestnut color. He had a white blaze, stockings and stood proud like his father.

"This is Ronan. He is my eldest son and will take my place once my time is up on this earthly plane. He is the bravest and almost as fast as his old man. He requested to be Deacon's steed if it is ok with you, Majesty," Arion told her.

"Yes, of course, that would be great. It is very nice to meet you, Ronan. If I can say so, you are an amazingly beautiful horse," Arriana said in stunned wonder.

The young horse bowed his head to her and said thank for before he trotted off to Deacon. The next horse she met was a shorter and sleeker white mare. She had a black blaze that started on her forehead and ended at her muzzle.

"This is Meria. She is my eldest daughter. She is very wise and clever, perhaps a bit too clever." He turned his head giving his daughter a warning glance before she could even speak.

"Meria, you would be a perfect match for Zoe. Your coat is interesting. I've never seen a white horse with a black blaze," Arriana said to the young filly.
"Thank you, majesty. Yes, it is a rarity that I was blessed with. Dad's mother is white with a black blaze," Meria said.

"You got my grandmother's stubbornness as well, Meria."

"At least someone in this family has some sense like grandmother!"

"Meria, not now," Arion snapped at his daughter.

"It's not my fault you've been too prideful to help before now. Grandmother told you seventeen years ago to do something," she snapped back.

"Meria, we are not discussing this again. If you want to keep it up I'm sending you home."

"Yeah, grandmother would like that."

"It's only because of her that you're even here." He narrowed his eyes, his cue for her to be quiet.

She bowed her head to the young queen while snorting at her father and trotted off to Zoe.

"She will definitely get along with Zoe," Arriana giggled.

"Teenagers. I swear that child will be the death of me. There are some days I think she is even more stubborn than my mother." He shook his head and mane as though he were trying to shake away the thought.

The next horse was a tall, massive creature. He was black as night, like his father with deep blue eyes. Despite his tremendous size, he had incredible kindness in his eyes.

"This beast here is my second eldest son, Maverick. He may look intimidating, but he is as kind and gentle as a puppy," Arion told Arriana.

"You would match perfectly with Barwick. A giant with the heart of a lamb. You are also amazingly handsome and look remarkably like your father." Arriana said in awe.

"Thank you, Queen Arriana. I have been told that I resemble father. I take it as a great compliment." Maverick said.

He bowed his head to Arriana and trotted off towards Barwick.

The fourth and final horse was equally massive as Maverick only he was not black. He was a creamy beige color, the opposite of his twin brother. His eyes were a dark shade of hazel with a bit of feistiness in them.

"This is Maverick's twin brother, Weston. He is a feisty bugger. He is headstrong and loves to be the first to ride into battle."

"Marc is going to love you. He's headstrong too. You are just as handsome as your brothers are. It's quite peculiar that you're a cream color while Maverick is black." Arriana rubbed the large horse's neck.

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