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"Right! 4 laps people!" The PE teacher yelled. We all started running. I was one of the first in line. My blond hair was falling in front of my eyes and gripping onto my forehead because of the sweat. When we were all finished, the teacher said he had to leave for an emergency so we all had free time. I sighed and walked to the changing room when I saw a weights room. They had a weights room in a school! I had to go and drive 30 minutes to go to a weights room. I walked in. No one was there. So I decided to work out since I had no where else to go. And for the rest of the hour, I worked out. But I started thinking about my parents again and I couldn't help but start to cry. Why was this happening to me? Why did my parents have to die? I cried. Until I heard someone. I whipped my tears away immediately. I didn't want them to know about anything. I looked to my right to see the red headed guy again. He looked worried. I just smiled and walked passed him to get changed. "Are y..you Ok..k?" He asked. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I lied. But he couldn't know. I walked passed him and started walking to music class.

"Hello class! So Mrs Derby, your English teacher, informed me that you wanted to do Romeo and Juliette so we'll use the same pairs as your English class and you will have to sing a duet." Some cheered and some groaned. I didn't mind really. I liked singing. I turned to the red headed guy. "So..." I was going to ask what his name was but that would seem a bit mean since I have been hanging with him for the whole day. "You ready to sing?" I asked. A tint of pink rose from his cheeks and he said "I c..can't s..sing." I chuckled. "Everyone can sing. They just need some advise." He smiled. "And I don't actually sing a lot. Mind you, when we'd go on a long trip, my parents and I used to sing until our voices were broken. It was really cool." I fazed back to that moment until I realised they were gone and my face dropped. I felt the guy's hand on my shoulder. I smiled and pretended nothing was wrong. The teacher gave us some songs to sing. She asked some people to go up first and even though I did say no one sings bad, they were more than bad. I had to cover my ears. But thankfully, some other students sang really well and everyone clapped their hands. Then the bell rang so we didn't get to pass which was rather good. Now we had a free period. But I also learned that his name was Jason! It was written on his book. Jason Brown!

I ran up too him and said "so Jason." I was proud of myself! And I was grinning like a fool. "Do you want to start on the duet or not?" I asked. He blushed and nodded. "Cool. We can go outside. It's nice and cool over there." I said. It was autumn but it wasn't that cold. We walked to the exit and went under a tree. I took the music sheet out. We had to sing 'don't you worry child.' As I read the title, a tear fell out of my eye as it made me remember about my parents. The tear fell on the paper. I whipped it off quickly but he probably saw me. "Ok. So she already marked who would do what so that's done." My voice was shaky. "Em... Which part do you want to sing?" I asked, shaking. "Y..you ch..choose." I chuckled. "Well you can start." I said. He blushed and nodded. "Before you start, you don't stutter when sing do you?" I asked. His face dropped and he blushed. "Shit! I didn't mean it like that. I mean I like the stutter. Not like like like the stutter. I mean..." Damn! This was embarrassing. I blushed. He actually giggled. "N..no." I nodded. He started singing and I continued. His voice was the voice of an angel. It made me think of my mother's voice: sweet and beautiful. A tear fell out of my eye and I hadn't even notice. "Are y..you Ok..k?" He asked. I whipped the tear away and said "yeah. I just have dust in my eye." He looked at me worried. "So let's start again." We sang again until we were interrupted by a guy named Damien: he was apparently the hottest guy in school. He's the football team quarter back and he's the school's hero. Behind him was Charles, my foster brother but I didn't consider him as a brother. He hated my guts. "Did you do my homework, faggot?" He asked Jason. I frowned. "And what's your brother doing with a faggot like him?" He said with disgust. "He's not my brother. I just live with him." I said. He rolled his eyes. "He was probably fucking with him! He's probably more of a faggot than your homework guy." Charles said. My fists clenched. "Yeah. That's probably it! Later, faggots!" He said with disgust. They left when the bell rang. I should have defended myself even though Charles would have told John and Martha and then I would be doomed. "H..he's y..your b..brother?" He asked. I sighed. "No. I just live with them. His parents are my... Are my..." My voice was starting to crackle. "Are my foster parents." I managed to say in a whisper. He nodded. We left to go to history. And the rest of the day was Ok.

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