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We arrived at Emily's 10 minutes after. They were all waiting for us. "So, you need to tell us everything that happened." I chuckled and nodded. We went in her living room. "So talk." She ordered. I sighed. "Well em... A policeman adopted me, or more like fostered me. Em... I... I met Jason. We were partners for a project due on May, 21st. Romeo and Juliet. We all have to play one scene and we have to sing one song too. We're doing the last scene." They laughed. "Em... I was in a coma and in a fire." They looked at me like I was some kind of monster. "I'm fine. Three months ago I froze and went into a coma for two months and then I was in a fire and I got out two weeks ago." They looked shocked. "I'm fine. Really. I am in perfect health." Jason looked at me. I smiled knowingly. "So what's in your bag?" Caleb asked. "Because we, guys, usually don't bring a bag." He said. I laughed. "Nothing much." They didn't believe me. "Seriously. Nothing. Just a bottle of water, my phone and my purse. They laughed. "Then give us the bag." Cecile said. I shook my head. Jason looked amused and worried. I was worried. I didn't want them to find out about anything. But I guess that wasn't for me to decide as they grabbed the bag from me. "Seriously, guys." They started taking the stuff out until they eventually ended up on my mask. "What's that?" Emily asked. I sighed. "A breathing mask." They were shocked. "Are you Ok?" Jake asked. I nodded. "I'm fine. I just have a lack of air sometimes. When I do average people's activities." They had their mouths wide open. "This is awful!" I smiled. "It's life. I'm fine. I'm alive and I can breath." This made the atmosphere very sad which wasn't that comfortable. They all went into deep silence. I got confused. "How?" Caleb asked. I sighed. "The fire. I inhaled to much smoke. My lungs were damaged." They didn't say anything for 5 minutes before I cut the silence. "What have you guys been up to?" I asked. And we all talked for ages.
We didn't see the time pass that it was already 10pm. "Well we should go. We have an hour drive ahead of us." I said. They all whined. "Stay. I have extra rooms." I shook my head. "No. Sorry. Maybe next time." She pouted but accepted. "Then see you next time." I smiled and said goodbye.

"So could I drive?" I asked. He rose an eyebrow. "I have a surprise for you." I grinned. He laughed and threw the keys at me. "Thank you." We got in the car and drove off. We drove for 30 minutes before arriving at a cottage. "A cottage?" He asked. I nodded. "It was my parents' so now it's mine." We got out of the car. "I actually had something else planned with us going there and stuff but well, the fire happened and stuff." He squeezed my hand. "So I don't have clothes." He said. I chuckled. "Actually, you'll see that there are clothes and everything we need already in the house." He chuckled. I had asked a friend of my dad's, I called him uncle but he wasn't really, to put some candles along the front door to the bedroom. I was planning on making it our first time but I can't. As he walked in, his mouth dropped open. "As you can see, I had planned something completely different." This was awkward. "But em... I em... It's probably not a good idea." This was uncomfortable and awkward. I rubbed my hand against my hair. I wondered what he was thinking. Maybe he wasn't ready. I should have asked. No. That would have made it worst. Maybe I shouldn't have planned this at all. Damn! I'm stupid. "Em... I should probably remove the candles." I said nervously. I went to pick one up but he said something. "No. Don't." My heart beat faster. He started laughing. I frowned. "You have such bad timing." I chuckled. He walked in. I guess he liked it?! I closed the door behind me. Then I remembered all the decoration in the bedroom. He was heading right to it. "Don't open it!" I said going in front of him. "Are you nervous?" He said smirking. I didn't know what to say. "No. I just don't think you should-" he cut me off and pushed me away to open the door. He stopped at the front of the room. The bed was huge. Allover the floor was flower petals, not just roses. I had put candles on the night stand and I had put, by his feet, a drawing with 'my Romeo' written on it. Yeah, I went over the top. I had even written a card on his pillow but I am probably going to take it before he sees it. I spilled all my feelings for him on it. The last phrase was: 'will you offer me your whole self so I can treasure it forever?' Yeah! It's... Courageous. Certainly since he would probably laugh at me or just say no. "This is wonderful." He said. I smiled and sighed in relief. But I still didn't know if he actually wanted to do it. I mean I could wait. I just want to know how he feels. All that was left was the card.

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