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He opened the door to his house. "Hi. We heard. Are you Ok?" He asked. I nodded. "We're gonna go upstairs dad. Call me if you need anything." He nodded. The thing is, I wasn't Ok. I was scared, worried, sad, angry. We walked in his bedroom. I laid on his bed. "What if we never catch him?" I said. Jason looked worried. "We will." I sighed. "But if we don't, I die." I said. His eyes were watery. "Don't say that. It's not true. You won't. He will never have the satisfaction of your death." I smiled and a tear fell out of my eye. I sat up. "I'm scared. And I act like I'm not and stuff but I'm terrified. I feel hopeless." He hugged me. "Let's go to see your psychologist." He said. I chuckled. "He isn't at work. He's with his family." He shrugged. "So let's go there." I laughed. "No. That's rude." He stared at me. "Is it rude when his patient isn't feeling good at all?" I shook my head in disbelief. We got up and went in his car. "I have his address." I said. He frowned. "He gave it to me in case of an emergency." He chuckled. He drove me to his house.

"Wow!" I sighed at the sight of his house. It was huge and beautiful. We walked to the front door. I knocked. I was definitely nervous. As the door opened my grip on Jason's hand tightened. "Oh hello there." A woman said. It must have been his wife. "Hi." I said. "Is Dr Yang here please?" She nodded. "Come in, please." We walked in. It was beautiful. "Are you one of his patients?" She asked. I nodded. "Do you want anything to drink?" She asked. I shook my head. She turned to Jason. "No thank you." She smiled. "I'll get him." She left. I sighed. "This was a bad idea. We should go. Seriously. This is not a good idea at all!" He chuckled. "It'll be fine." I grimaced. "Hello Michael." I heard the doctor's voice. I jumped. "You're on edge." He said. "Sorry." He smiled. "What brings you here?" He said. His wife was there. I felt nervous. "He's watching me everywhere I go." I whispered. His wife looked worried. He brought me to his office with Jason. "What do you mean?" I sighed. "He has cameras. He even calls me. He is watching me right now." He looked worried. "I'm scared. I'm terrified. I don't know what to do." He listened carefully. "Start from the beginning. When did you realise he was watching you?" I sighed. "Well I brought Jason to a house I used to go on holiday withy parents. There was candles and flowers and stuff but it was planned before the fire. And since the fire, I can't breathe normally or do average people activities. I have to have a mask. So I still brought him there and stuff. Anyway, in the morning, I received a call. It was him. And he was watching me when I answered it. I was outside. I looked around and saw cameras. In the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen... Everywhere. Jason called John. Then we went to track the signal from the cameras. And he had watched everything we had done. I broke the computer so we would not get exposed." He chuckled. "So describe your fear." I sighed. "I'm scared of what might happen. I'm scared of me dying. I'm scared of him. I'm scared." Jason held my hand tightly. I sighed. And we continued talking for an hour.

"Get some rest." He said. I nodded. "Thank you Dr Yang." He smiled. We left. I sighed. And then the worst happened. We opened the door and were about to get in when I saw a bomb. Literally. It said 5 seconds. "JASON!" I ran up to him and pushed him away. Just then, the car blew. We were on the ground, and I was covering him. I was never so scared in my life. "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." He said. "You're Ok? Jason. Are you hurt?" He shook his head. The doctor came out and he called the police. We got up and I hugged him so tight I could have squeezed his organs out of him. I was terrified. And he was too. The policed came. "Michael! Jason! Are you Ok?" John and his dad asked. We nodded. "Jason, you can't stay with me." I said. He looked hurt. "You'll get killed. I'm so sorry." I wanted to cry. "I'm staying by your side." I shook my head and started gasping for air. My mask. Jason got from my bag on the floor. I breathed in it and out. "Michael! Are you Ok?" The doctor said. I nodded. His wife looked traumatised. I was still breathing in my mask. Jason hugged me and cried. I hugged him tighter. I wanted to cry. But I didn't. I would stay strong for him. That, I promise. The medics checked to see if we were hurt. We weren't. "Jason, I'm sorry." I said. "For what?" I looked down. "For putting you here." He chuckled. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I chuckled and hugged him. "I love you." He smiled. "I love you too." I hugged him again. After that, I promised myself I would protect him in any way possible. "Thank you." He said. I rose an eyebrow. "For saving my life." I smiled.

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