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When we stepped outside it started to rain. Like a lot! We ran to his car but he couldn't find his keys. "Come on! Quick! Where are they?" I asked. "I d..don't know!" I groaned and took his hand. The only place I knew that didn't need a car was my hiding place I would go. It was actually at the back of the cemetery, near the forest. We ran for five minutes and we were there. "Oh my gosh! I am soaking wet!" I said squeezing my shirt. He laughed and bit his lip. "S..sorry." I laughed. "It's fine. Here, I have covers and spare clothes. You're lucky I think." I said as a matter of fact. He laughed. I threw him some clothes that would probably be too big for him since he was smaller and thinner and I took some for me. I was bound to catch a cold. I took my clothes off and replaced them with the dry ones. He kind of hid himself from me but I didn't pay attention. "I have some covers over there. I'll get them." He nodded. I started walking in the next room when I am sure I saw something. I yelled. Literally. I screamed like a girl. Next thing I know, Jason comes running up to me and asks me what's wrong. "I... I... There was someone there!" I looked around but nothing or no one was there
I sighed and took the covers. We walked back to the room where I had put a mattress on the floor. "It's Ok to be scared, you know? After all that happened to you... I'd be freaking out." I chuckled. "Thank you." I laid down and covered ourselves with the quilts. It was actually really cold considering it was January. "You Ok?" I asked turning round to face him. He nodded. He was shivering. "You're cold." I said stating a fact. I covered him more with the cover. It wasn't actually helping. I moved closer to him and held his hand. He blushed. "We can wait until the rain stops and then we can go." He nodded. "S..so wh..what is this p..place?" He asked. I smiled. "It's where I hide when I want to be alone." He smiled. "Sometimes I spend the night here. Usually it's not that cold." He chuckled. "W..well it's k..kind of scary h..here." I chuckled and said "I'll protect you." He laughed. "The r..rain s..stopped." He said. We got up. "Great! Let's go before it starts again." We stepped out and it started poring again. "No!" I whined. He whined too. "I think we're gonna spend the night here." I said. He laughed. "Tell your parents and I'll tell John and Martha." He nodded. We took our phones out and sent a message saying we weren't going to be home until the morning because it was raining and we couldn't find his keys. We laid back on the mattress into the covers. "So where do you think you lost your keys?" I asked. He shrugged. "M..maybe the c..cemetery or the d..diner." I nodded. "We'll look tomorrow." I said. "In a w..week, th..there's a f..funfair in B..Bluestown and I w..was wondering i..if y..you wanted t..to come. N..no one w..will s..see us." I smiled. He was asking me for a date. "I'd love to go with you." I said. He smiled. I kissed him on the lips. My tongue asked for entrance and he let me. He pulled me closer to him making me moan in his mouth. His hands trailed under my T-shirt. My breathing quickened a bit. My lips trailed down his neck. My hands went into his T-shirt but he pulled away. Worry flashed threw my eyes. "I'm sorry." I said. He didn't answer. "I'm really sorry." He sighed. "It's not you." I frowned. "What's wrong?" He didn't answer. "Jason. I won't laugh or anything if that's what you're worried about." He shook his head. "C..can we j..just s..sleep?" He was definitely getting annoyed. "If you want me to leave tell me." I said irritated. He sighed. "It's my body, Ok? I don't like my body!" I didn't know what to say. "You even said so yourself! You're strong and have muscles and abs while I have nothing! I'm just an ugly faggot with a carrot face!" Why was he saying all of this? "Jason. Your body is perfect the way it is. You're not ugly, you may be gay but never say the word faggot and your red orangish hair is beautiful. You are beautiful. You are perfect, Ok? And you didn't stutter by the way." He just looked at me and smiled. I started touching his chest when I felt something weird. He tried to pull me away but I pinned him down and lifted his T-shirt up. His chest was full of scars. Huge scars! My face dropped. "Did you do this to yourself?" He didn't answer. "Did. You. Do. This. To. Yourself.?!" I asked angrily. He nodded. I shook my head. "It's because of Damien and Charles isn't it?" He nodded with a tear in his eye. "You've got to stop." He nodded. "YOU'VE GOT STOP, YOU HEAR ME? Because I can't lose another person I love!" I was more like talking to myself after. I got up a took a deep breath. A tear fell out of my eye. "I'm gonna kill them!" I muttered. I didn't even realise I had scared Jason. When I did, I immediately felt worried. I walked towards him and he tensed. I backed away and another tear fell from my eye. "I'm gonna look for your keys." I left before he could stop me. I started crying.

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