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It was now the week end and all I wanted to do was cry. And I did. I walked to a place where I knew no one would find me: an old warehouse that is abandoned. I had put some quilts and pillows. I laid down and cried. Why couldn't they be here? Why did God have to take them away?

I decided to go to church on Sunday. "I'm going out." I told Martha. "Ok. Be back for lunch hon." I smiled and nodded. I walked to the church saint Paul. I took a deep breath and entered the church. No one was there which I was grateful for. I walked down the aisle and sat on the front row. I wasn't that of a Christian, but I did believe in God. I kneeled down Jesus' statue and put my hands together. I bent my head down and shut my eyes as tight as possible, and I prayed. "Dear God. You probably know that my parents were killed and I just need your help to get through it. I plead you to help me. Because... Because my parents were everything and now, all that is left is pictures and memories. I just... I wanted to ask you: why them? Why did he have to kill them? I feel like my world is closing up on me and I can't do anything about it. If it wasn't for John, I'd be dead too but... I might as well be dead because I can't stand my life without them. I miss my mum's voice and I miss her telling me off. I miss my dad's stupid jokes and I miss playing baseball with him. I miss their smiles and their laughs. I miss the way they kissed me goodnight. I miss everything. I miss them. Please God. And if you can't make them come back, then at least tell them I love them and that I miss them. Tell them I will never ever forget them. And you probably have a lot of prayers to answer so you probably won't have time to answer my prayer but please do... You're my last support." Tears crawled down my face as I spoke. I couldn't even finish all I had to say so I just finished with "Amen." I took a deep breath before whipping the years away and getting up. I took my jacket when I heard a voice. "Son. Are you alone here?" He asked. It was the priest. "Em... Y..yes." I said with a cracked voice. "You know, God has time to answer all prayers from all the world. He will answer your prayer, maybe not with words, but he will. He always does. Even when you think He doesn't love you. God loves everyone no matter their differences." He smiled at me. I smiled back. "Thank you." I said. "It is my pleasure. What's your name?" He asked. "Michael." He nodded. "Now come and have lunch with me. My wife is already cooking it." I shook my head. "No. Martha, my foster parent, told me to be there for lunch." He patted my shoulder. "Then tell her you are eating with me. God brought me here for a reason. And that reason is you." I smiled. He was so nice and generous. I have never seen a man so kind. "Well Ok then. Thank you." I said. He smiled. I told Martha and she said it was great.

We were now in his car, he was driving me to his house. "So shouldn't a priest be wifeless? Or so I've heard." I asked. He giggled. "Yes, but I was already married when I became a priest. You see, God has a path laid out for us, and He gives us people to help us through our journey. My wife and children were my help. And the Lord brought me to this church to be a priest. He wanted me to be a priest rather I was married or with someone. And He gave me the opportunity to help others, to make people believe, to accept others and to love others." He waited a moment before saying "do you know where our Lord is?" I shrugged. "In our hearts?" He looked at me like he wanted to hear more. "In the sky?" He still wanted more. "Em..." I didn't know where else. "He's in our hearts, in the sky, but mostly EVERYWHERE. He is everywhere and he looks over you always." I nodded. This might be the best thing that happened to me since I was rescued by John. I mean, I think he was my answer to my prayer. Well... I think so anyway. He stopped the car. "We are home. Home sweet home!" I chuckled. His house was really nice. I looked over to see a car that I think I saw before. Yeah, it looked like Jason's car. I shook the thought out of my head knowing it wasn't his. We entered his home. "Honey, I brought a guest. He was at the church." He yelled. He walked to the kitchen, my head down. I lifted my head up to see a beautiful woman who could only be his wife. "Oh hi." She said. I smiled. "You found him at the church?" She asked. "Yes. He was in tears." He said rubbing my back. This was a bit awkward. "Dad, stop rubbing his back! He's not five!" I heard someone say. I chuckled and turned around. My face dropped. My eyes widened. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. In front of me was Jason!

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