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I was paralysed. I mean I had told him how I felt but I hadn't told him stuff like that. But then again, he wouldn't do anything, would he? John left. I got up. "The door is this way!" I said as he was walking towards me. He continued walking towards me. "Jason seriously. I don't want you here so you need to leave." He didn't listen. He came closer. I backed away. He was getting really close. I couldn't let him. I didn't want to have my heart broken again. I couldn't. It was already life threatening. I backed away until my bed was in my way. "Jason go! Please." And before I knew it, our lips touched, but only for a second. But a second was enough to make me feel tinkles in my toes and legs, sparkles in my arms and fingers and butterflies in my stomach. And I just wanted his lips on mine again, but I restrained myself. "I'm s..sorry." I smiled slightly. "I'm sorry for everything. I don't know what was wrong with me. I was just so shocked. I... I didn't know what to do. My mind was paralysed." I chuckled. "But your heart wasn't." That does mean he hurt me voluntarily. "No. I was just lost. I didn't know what to think. I tried talking to you but every time my words were caught in my mouth. You looked so angry and sad and hurt. I was so scared of what you would say or do." A tear fell out of his eye. "I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to make you cry. I never meant to avoid you. I never meant to brake up with you. I never meant any of this to happen." His voice was shaky. "Did you at least realise how much you hurt me?" I asked. "I'm so sorry. I know I hurt you a lot. And you probably won't want me back. And you probably hate me and you probably don't trust me but I want you to know that I love you so so much. And I really don't deserve you." I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. "I'm gonna go." He said. I just watched him walk away. Then I was connected to my mind again. I ran outside to Jason. "Jason!" I yelled. He stopped. I ran up to him and kissed him. My eyes closed. I waited for this moment for so long. My tongue asked for entrance and he let me. I moaned in his mouth. I tightened my grip on his waist as if he was going to leave me again. He noticed because he came even closer to me. Our foreheads were leaning against each other. We were breathing heavily from that deep, passionate and full of love kiss. I sighed. "It is gonna be hard to forgive you, but I will. What I won't do is forget. But I can't live without you for any longer. I love you Jason." He smiled and kissed me. I kissed him again. "I need to get back home." He said. I nodded. I walked back to the house. I was blushing and smiling. "You're in a happy mood!" Charles said. I smirked. "No. Don't tell me you did?! You did!" He said excitedly. I laughed. "Since when are you happy about my GAY relationships?" He chuckled. "Since we became real bros." I smiled. Then I received a message: 'meet me in our old house in 40.' I smiled. It was Jason. "I thought you hated my guts?" I said. He chuckled. "Yeah. It's been hard on you. You didn't deserve my bullying." I smiled. "I'm happy you think so." I walked to my room. 40 minutes. I decided to take a shower. I put my clothes on and asked Charles to drop me off to the cemetery. I walked towards the broken house. I was so nervous. I saw him sitting down on the grass. I took a deep breath. He saw me and a huge smile crept his lips. "Hey." I smiled. "Hi." He answered back. He got up and kissed me. I turned my head away so he'd kiss my cheek. I closed my eyes and tried not to cry. He backed away. He looked sad. "I know this sums up bad memories but it was our shelter so I thought as a first date back together we could be here." I smiled. He had a picnic laid out. We sat down and started eating. "What is it with you and picnics?" I asked by curiosity. He blushed. "Em... I d..don't kn..know." My eyes widened. "No. I didn't mean like that. I was just curious." I berried my head in my food. "So what have you been doing?" He asked. I nearly chocked. "Em... Nothing much." He stared at me. "I cried mostly." I muttered under my breath barely opening my mouth to speak. "I'm so sorry." I smiled. "I know we've been through a lot and that we have done a lot together before my killer died but I think it's best if we go slow." I said. He bent his head down and nodded. "Ok." He smiled but I knew it wasn't Ok. We finished in silence. "Do you want me to drive you back home?" He asked. I nodded and we went in his car. "So how is the family?" He asked. "Good. You?" He nodded. "And how's your Dr?" I sighed. "I don't see him anymore." He nodded. "Did he say you didn't need him anymore?" I thought for a moment. "No. I wanted some time without him." He nodded. "Do you really think I could hurt you?" I asked. He didn't answer. We arrived and I got out. "Thank you for everything." I smiled. "It was my pleasure." I waved before walking into my house. My date had went terrible. All because I couldn't forget my pain.

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