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Today was finally coming. The day we were going to present the play. I couldn't wait. It was 5pm and I was hurrying everyone! Including Jason by message. I went through my part like 10 times and the song 20. I was ready. I was hoping it wouldn't come as a shock to the parents who didn't like gay people but I was happy to be in the musical. When everyone was finally ready, I ran to the car. "Guys! Hurry!" I yelled. They all rolled their eyes. "We're coming! 10 minutes!" Charles yelled back. I sighed. I took my phone out and decided to call Dr Yang to see if he was coming. "Hello?" He answered. "It's Michael." I said. "Oh. Hello Michael. Is something wrong?" I smiled. "No. Thank you for yesterday. And I was wondering if you were coming to the school's Romeo and Juliette Musical." He chuckled. "I wouldn't want to impose." I smiled. "You won't. I'd be happy if you came. After all, it is mostly you who helped through everything." He sighed. "Then I'll bring my wife and daughter." I nodded. "Thank you." I smiled. "No. Thank you, Michael. Thank you." I hanged up. They were ready. We drove off to school. They had to wait because we had to do the costumes and make up. I walked in to see Jason. I smiled. "Ready for the big day?" I asked. He nodded. We walked in the changing rooms. That's where they were doing the makeover. We got dressed and they finished with the make up. "So I'm not sure how Juliette is suppose to look like as a male so I'll feminise your face a bit just so that you look less manly than your Romeo." A young woman said. I nodded. "As long as I don't look like a girl." She chuckled. When she was finally done with everyone, it was time to perform. I could hear so many people. "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. The school is glad to represent for the first time, Rome and Juliette, the Musical." The principal said. Everyone cheered. "This project was the work of Mrs Yampshire and Mrs Ronald. English and music teachers. They both worked hard so that everyone would come to this day. We hope you have a great show." He left and the first act began. And soon, it was our turn.

"Ah, dear Jules, why are you still so handsome? Should I believe that death itself loves you, and that the hungry, hated monster keeps you here in the dark to be his lover? To make sure that doesn't happen, I'll stay with you forever and never again leave this dark tomb. Here, here I'll remain with worms that are your chamber-maids. Oh, I'll rest here forever and escape the control of the bad fortune that has plagued my body. Eyes, see for the last time! Arms, make your last embrace! And lips, you doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss the infinite deal I have made with death." Romeo kisses me and takes out the poison. "Come, bitter transport, come, unpleasant guide! You desperate pilot, crash this seasick and weary ship into the rocks. Here's to my love!" He drinks the poison. "Oh, honest pharmacist, your drugs work quickly. With this kiss, I die." Jason finished. He died. I woke up.

"What's this? A cup, held in my true love's hand? Poison, I see, has caused his death. How selfish, drinking it all, leaving not a drop to help me follow after you. I'll kiss your lips. Maybe I'll be lucky and there's still some poison on your lips, a bit of medicine that will return me to my Romeo with a kiss." I kiss Romeo. "Your lips are warm." Then I start to sing. We sing one verse each and sing the chorus together. "Cause I would die for you tonight. Yes, I said die for you tonight. Living without you, I can't. Not seeing your beautiful face, I certainly can't. So I will die for you tonight. Die in your arms, my hand in your hand." We sang. Then I spoke. "Oh I will die for you tonight." Then someone comes in. "A noise! I'll act fast. Oh, what luck: here's a dagger! I'll be your sheath. Rust inside my body and let me die." I stab myself and fall in Jason's arms. The play continues until the end. The curtain closes and we all go in line, Romeos and Juliettes/Jules hand in hand. The curtain reopens and everyone claps there hands. All Romeos throw their hats to the public and all Juliette's/Jules kiss their Romeo. They all cheered. We bowed and left. The principal congratulated us all. We walked in the crowd. Jason and I went looking for everyone.

I could see John and Martha talking to his parents and Dr Yang. I smiled and walked towards them. "Woooow! That was fabulous!" They all said. We chuckled. "Everyone was fabulous!" We smiled. "Wow!" We smiled. "Thank you for coming Dr Yang." He smiled. "Anything to please you, Michael." I smiled. Jason poked me. "You invited your Dr?" I laughed. "He's a good Dr." He giggled. "Well I'm going to go." He said. I nodded. "Thank you." He smiled. "Remember what I said yesterday." I chuckled and nodded. My hand entwined with Jason's. He looked at me. "I love you, Romeo." He chuckled and blushed. "I love you too, Michael."

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