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I woke up at 07am in a soft comfortable big bed. Yes, I finally had my bedroom with a desk and a bed. I got in my shower and I couldn't help think about my kiss with Jason. I then wondered about how people would think about it and Charles! Oh my gosh! I was scared for Jason. Not even for myself. I walked downstairs and ate a piece of bread and jam before waiting for Charles next to his car. "Charles! Hurry!" I yelled. He came downstairs. "What the f*** do you want?!" I rolled my eyes. "We're gonna be late." He rolled his eyes and pushed me away. I followed him.

The drive was horrible, as normal. "Is there news on your boyfriend?!" He spat out. "He's not my boyfriend for God's sake! He's only working with me for the project!" He laughed mockingly. We arrived and I couldn't be so happier to leave the car. I walked to the school. I was walking to my locker when I saw Jason. A smile crept my lips. "Jason." He smiled and blush. "Did you need anything?" I asked. He nodded. "Wh..what are w..we?" He asked. My heart race quickened. I chuckled. "What do you want us to be?" He blushed. I walked closer to him. "I like you, Jason. And I'd like to be your boyfriend." He giggled. "I'd l..like th..that t..too." I smiled. "But... We have to keep it down low. I don't think it's safe... For you. I mean... I don't want to sound rude but I can defend myself and well you... I mean I'm not saying anything, just that I don't think you'll be able to fight back against Damien or Charles." His face saddened and he looked disappointed. "But I'm not saying you need to work out. Your body is just fine the way it is." He smiled. "I'm sorry." I didn't know what to say. "It's Ok..k. Y..you're r..right." I sighed in relief. "Thank you. I just don't want you to get hurt." I felt bad. "We should get to class." We started walking down the hall to go to Chemistry class. It was cool. We didn't do much, mostly because the teacher explained how to do this and that even though we knew it already. We were now going to English.

"Hi." Damien said. I didn't answer. He bullied Jason and I didn't want to be his friend. I didn't even want to see his face. "Right. So did you read the book?" I nodded. And thank God he was interrupted by the teacher. "Hello class. I hope you've all read the book you had to read. Here's is a small test to see if you have read it." I smiled knowing I'd get an A+. She gave us the papers and we started it. I had finished all 4 pages in 15 minutes. It was so easy. "Already finished, Mr White?" I nodded. She smiled and took the paper. I looked over at the back to see Jason. I smiled when he looked at me. I wrote on a piece of paper: 'you're probably finished so give your paper to the teacher and meet me outside.' I scrunched it into a ball and threw it at him. It landed in his pencil case. I chuckled as he looked at me confused. "Mrs. Could I go to the library and get another book since I finished?" She thought for a moment before saying "yes. I do trust you and I know you won't do anything wrong. But you need someone to go with you." I nodded and prayed for it to be Jason. "Mrs. I finished." I heard Jason yell. He had a grin on his face. "Oh. Well you can go with Michael then." He nodded. I packed my bag. We left. I laughed inside. "I never knew you were a thug!" He said. I laughed. "Well, it depends on what I want to do." I grinned. I looked to see if anyone was in the hallway and no one was there. I pinned him on the wall and kissed him. My tongue asked for entrance and he let me. I smiled against his lips. "So, we can go to the library, get some books and head outside." I said putting my hand into his. "S..sounds l..like a p..plan." I chuckled. "W..what?" He wasn't suppose to hear my chuckle. "Nothing." I said. He stopped and looked at me in the eyes. "I just... We need to know each other more because you can't keep stuttering in front of me." He frowned. "Not that it's bad. It's just that mostly when people stutter, it's because they are afraid to talk to someone. Afraid of social interaction." He rose an eyebrow. "It's true. My... My... Em..." I laughed nervously. "My... My psychologist said so." He looked at me with wide eyes. I looked down and continued walking. We got the books and sat outside under a tree.

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