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Today was the day I was going to see Dr Yang again. I wasn't going to tell Jason, mostly because I was going to talk about him. I walked to my locker to see him there. "Hey." I smiled. "Hi." He smiled back. "Are you feeling better?" I chuckled. "I was tired." He looked at me. "I know you weren't just tired." I sighed and kissed him. "I'm fine. I love you." He smiled. I took my stuff and we walked to English. "Hello class! Today, is your last day to rehearse everything. That's why we decided to give you half a day off. We'll rehearse from 8 to 12am, then we'll let you go and relax before you come back at 6pm tomorrow for the musical." Everyone cheered. We started the musical. Everyone was really into it. But not me. "Michael! Put a little of your heart into it! You're moping around!" She said. I nodded but I didn't do anything different. I sighed and walked out of the class. I kicked a locker. Jason was going to follow me but the teacher stopped him. "Leave him. He'll come back." I wanted to scream and cry. I walked to Dr Yang's office and knocked on the door. He had a patient. As soon as he opened the door, he went into shock. "Michael!? I thought you didn't need help anymore?" I sighed. "Lucy, is it Ok if you come back later?" She nodded and left. I walked in. "John kept me updated threw the past month." I sighed. "So you know I proposed to Jason a few days after we had gotten back together. And you know I don't need a mask anymore. And you know about Jason cutting himself but you don't know what happened yesterday." He rose an eyebrow. "What happened yesterday?" I sighed. "I brought him somewhere I had planned to be our future house." He nodded. "Planned?" I sighed. "After the fire, I thought I could build a new house and after I proposed I was definitely doing that. I had done the measurements and the plans but when I showed him he didn't want any of it. He said I was going to quick and he's right, but I thought that coming home to a huge house where my fiancé would be waiting for me... I thought it would be nice." He smiled. "You're scared you'll loose him." I nodded. "Why don't you tell him?" I shrugged. "He already said he wouldn't cheat and stuff." He sighed. "Why don't you build that house and when he is ready, you're home will be too." I chuckled. "No." He looked at me. "Show me the plans?" I took it out of my bag and gave it to him. "It seems very anticipated for a 17 year old." I sighed. "I know." He smiled. "Build it. When he's ready, it'll come in handy." I nodded. "What time is it?" I asked. "12am." My eyes widened. "Thank you Dr. My play's tomorrow if you want to come, with your family. 8pm. Bye." I ran outside and to the school but Jason wasn't there. I looked in the parking lot and his car was there. Then I saw him walking towards it. I ran. "Jason!" I yelled. He turned around and I kissed him with all the passion I had. My eyes closed and my whole world stopped. "I'm sorry. I love you... More than anything." He chuckled. "What's that for?" I looked at him. "For not being your Jules." He smiled and kissed me. My eyes closed. My tongue asked for entrance and he let me. I moaned in his mouth. My hands went from his face to his back. I pulled him closer to me. No one was there so I took advantage and let my hands slide to his butt. I squeezed it a bit. He jumped. I smirked. "Not here." He blushed. I smirked. He walked to his car. "Can I come?" He nodded. He started driving. "Just so you know, I'm going home." I nodded. "Your parents aren't there, are they?" He looked into my eyes looking to see if he could find out why I was asking. To let him know, I licked my lip and bit it down slowly. He chuckled and said "no. They're working." I smiled. He looked at me again. "What?" I asked, looking at him in the eye. He blushed and didn't say anything. "Why were you asking?" I laughed. "No reason." I answered even though I thought of the opposite. I continued smirking. "So why are you smirking like you always do when you're up to something." I giggled. "Because I am." He blushed. I chuckled. "D'you want to know?" I said smirking, biting down my lip and checking him out. "Stop doing that." I knew I was making him uncomfortable. "Doing what?" I licked my lip. "You know exactly what I mean!" I laughed. "Do you feel tempted?" He didn't answer as we arrived. He unlocked the door and as soon as he did, I pinned him on the wall. He closed the door with his foot. I kissed him down his neck. We both took our shirts off. I kissed him on the lips when I hear his father say "I hope I'm not bothering you."

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