Chapter 2

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Wonwoo's POV

"Hey guys! You'll be interviewed in We Got Married this Wednesday." Manager hyung said.

All of us are shocked that we'll be in that program. I mean, we've just debuted and our promotions for 'Adore U' are not yet finished. And some of us are minors! It's We Got Married so we'll be paired for sure. We're all not ready for that. I'll not let me be partnered if it isn't Jihae.

"Yah. Why are you all like that? It's just an interview." He said.

"But it's We Got Married!" Seungkwan and Dino said.

That show is really different among others. Why make that show? Our fans will not like this.

"I am sure that there's are girl group that we'll be partnered with us!" Hoshi said.

"Oh not like that...partnered...but...they'll be interviewed with you guys." He replied.

"It's just the same hyung!" Jun said.

"Oh come on! I'm sure you'll like those girls too. They're near you age so I'm sure you'll get along."

The other's whined and asked manager hyung many questions. Specially the maknae line. But I don't know if there's a girl group that has 13 members. So how are we gonna be partnered?

"Hyung. What group exactly we'll be interviewed with?" I asked.

"Oh you know them Wonwoo ah." He said, smirking.

"Who?" Dino asked.

Why do I have this feeling that it's......

"The group's name is 'Feisty'. They've just debuted just like you guys."

Oh shoot. I'll change my mind! I want to get partnered.

"When we're at the music station, Wonwoo asked if that group will perform. So I'm a little excited to tell you guys this cause Wonwoo surely is happy right now." He explained.

They started teasing me and asking me questions like 'how do you know them' I just replied them that I've watched their video in the internet. But they're still suspicious. Stop it guys....really. After a few talks, manager hyung went out to let us practice. We're here at the dance practice room. So after a few hours of practicing, we decided to rest. And they won't stop talking about Feisty.

"Oh! I have an idea! Why don't we watch their videos for us to get to know them!" Jeonghan hyung said.

We all agreed and we went to the tv. We're gonna watch their videos using the tv cause it'll be too crowded if we watched it in a laptop.

"Ah hyung! Let's browse their profiles first!" Dino said.

As usual, we all agreed. So here it is...

>'Feisty' is a Hip-Hop girl group labeled under BigHit Entertainment.

Debut Song : Cross
Album name : Feisty

>Park Cheonsa aka 'Angel'
Bday : November 13, 1995
Position : Leader, Lead Dancer, Vocalist

>Kim Seunghye
Bday : December 25, 1995
Position : Vocalist, Visual

>Choi Jiwon aka 'Jaye'
Bday : August 19, 1996
Position : Main Rapper, Dancer

>Kwon Yeri aka 'Yvonne'
Bday : October 5, 1996
Position : Vocalist

>Kim Hyunhee
Bday : December 16, 1996
Position : Lead Vocalist

>Min Jungmi
Bday : June 17, 1997
Position : Rapper

>Lee Jihae
Bday : July 20, 1998
Postion : Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, Maknae


After we looked at their profiles, we then watched their videos. Music videos, Live performances, even their backstage videos. -_- These guys really. But at least I can watch Jihae and not hiding from them. Cause there is a time that I'm watching Jihae's solo dance performance then the boys got suspicious of what I'm watching. They teased me that time cause they said i'm watching 19+ videos. No no! I'm not like that! Maybe. And i'm not a minor anymore! But...I'm not watching any of that! Ugh. Nevermind.

"Wonwoo hyung! Who do you choose?" Seungkwan asked.

"Jihae." I whispered.

"Jihae? Isn't she too young for you?" Woozi said.

"Yah. That's alright. It's not like they're gonna date right?" Jun said that makes all of them laugh.

Hey! We dated! And our age gap is only 2 years!

So lastly, we watched their debut showcase. They have solo performances. Like what I watched last time. The dance line, Angel, Jaye, and Jihae danced. Seunghye and Hyunhee sang. Yvonne played the guitar, and Jungmi rapped which she composed. All in all, they're good. But these guys won't stop talking about Jihae's solo performance. She breakdanced in her performance. In her group, she's the only one who can breakdance. But they're all good dancers.

"Whaa~ Jihae is really good." Hansol said.

The other's teased him that makes him blush.

"Hansol ah. You two have the same age. Why don't you Give it a try!" Coups hyung said patting Hansol's shoulder.

Yah! She's mine! Age doesn't matter ya know! After 3 hours of watching their videos, we decided to go to our dorm. It's night already. So here we are on our way to our dorm. And they still talked about Feisty. Guess they like 'em.

"How are we gonna be paired to them? We're 13, and they're only 7." The8 said.

"That means, 6 of us won't have partners." Jeonghan hyung said.

"Well, if that happens, those who won't have partners will be Dino, The8, DK, Woozi, Hoshi, and Wonwoo." Seungkwan said.

"Yah!" All 6 of us said.

I just let them tease each other. I looked outside the window and closed my eyes.

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