Chapter 20

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Wonwoo's POV

I walked in and saw.......


I looked around. What the heck, there's no one here! What are they trying to do? I went back at the door.

"Oh Sh*t." I muttered. I twisted the door knob but it won't open.

So I'm locked here. At the rooftop. I knocked on the door many times but no one responds. I let out a heavy sigh. It's impossible if the door just locked itself. They're planning on something.

Well, I have nothing to do but wait here. I scoffed as I went at the edge. There are still many reporters outside. Is this really a big deal for them? Or they just don't have any news to show. I got my cellphone from my pocket and called manager hyung. A few rings and then.

'The number you have dialed is busy right now. Please try again later.'

Okay? I'm sure that manager hyung is the one who locked me here. And there he is, not answering his phone. I don't know what's happening!

I don't know how many minutes I am locked in here. I decided to browse the net and look at the fans reaction about this. I'll just know it later so why know it now? I sighed and read the comments.

'That CEO is really cruel! He ruined a perfect relationship!'

'Wonwoo oppa and Jihae unnie are a perfect couple. I hope they'll be back together.'

'CEO nim! Please let Wonwoo and Jihae continue their relationship. We all saw how perfect they are as a couple.'

'Wonwoo X Jihae. Match made in heaven.'

'Tear that non dating contract!'

'They're so sweet! Being an idol is really hard. You have to sacrifice everything.'

'I've never seen the two of them cry like this. They're really broken. Please let them be together again!'

I read a few more comments. And then I decided to stop. I don't know if I would be happy about the comments. They're bashing our CEO now. But a smile still crept on my face. The fans wants us to be together again. That contract is still not finished. I really love my fans.

I looked up at the sky. The weather is nice today. Not too hot and not too cold. Good enough to have a picnic.

We both know that it's over between us. Why does this have to come out? Bad timing alright. If he just posted the videos a bit earlier, I think we're together by now. That day wouldn't had happened.

I went to the door. Just in case it's not already locked. What's the reason why they locked me here? I twisted the door knob. It's not locked anymore. I pulled the knob excitedly, I used much force and opened it.

But I'm shocked as someone is dragged as I opened the door.

The whole scene is so fast to me. I just felt that I'm lying on the floor. My eyes are closed. Why do I felt heavy? I slowly opened my eyes.

Am I dreaming?

If I am, please don't ever wake me up.

There she is, infront of me. On top of me actually. I stared at her beautiful eyes. Our faces are so close. I can feel her heavy breathing. My heart beat racing. I felt like I ran a hundred miles.

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