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A/N: And because this story has more than 20k reads, I'm publishing a bonus chapter. Thank you so much for reading this story. It really means a lot to me. And forgive my craziness about that crime in the hospital. Woozi told me to. /evil grin/

So here it is! Enjoy!


~~~~3 years later~~~~

"Wonwoo ah! Please!"

"For the last time! No!"

Jihae followed Wonwoo as they repeatedly walked around the living room. The other girls just sighed and looked at the couple. They're in Feisty's dorm and Jihae won't give up convincing him. Wonwoo sat beside Angel and shook her arms.

"Noona! Tell her again why I don't want her to accept that drama!" He whined.

For the past 2 years, Jihae has been really popular not just as an idol, but also as an actor. She had many dramas that either she's the young character of the lead or she's the lead character. And one day, Jihae told his beloved boyfriend about her having a new drama but there's something that he won't accept.

Angel just sighed. "Wonwoo ah. She should accept it. It's just a kissing scene."

He felt like he's the only one who's against it. Well, he really is the only one. "But....No! I still won't accept! You can have many dramas without having that kind of scene! And....Hey! Have you talked to Joohyun hyung about this? I'm sure he won't accept it!" He explained trying to convince her to reject the drama.

"Yes. I already told him and yes! He accepted it." Jihae replied nodding proudly.

"What?! How can he accept that? I've been working hard just to make him accept me for you and now that you want to accept a kissing scene to a stranger and he just approved it?!" He said boiling in anger.

"Hey. He's not that 'stranger'. Actually, you knew him personally." she replied.

"Who?" He asked.



"Yes. Jang Doyoon. He's supposed to be a member of Seventeen right?"

Wonwoo felt more jealous that one of his friends will have a kissing scene with his girlfriend. Doyoon also became succesful as an actor. But not like Jihae, he had many kissing scenes in different dramas.

"Still no." Wonwoo crossed his arms.

Jihae sat beside him and poked his shoulder with her finger. "Why won't you accept it?" She asked calmly.

"Because I should only be the one to kiss that lips of yours."

The girls became awkward by what he said and they slowly dispersed going into their rooms, leaving the two of them.

It's been 3 years that they're officially together. As expected, the fans supported them. There are some bashers but it really can't be helped. As long as the fans are happy and them also. And as time goes by, the two of them became stronger as a couple. They both loved each other. Sometimes they really fought about something but after, you would see them cuddling again. Wonwoo won't accept it because as what he said, he wants only him to kiss her. And he became overprotective about that because they both know that the only person who kissed Jihae ever in her life is none other than Wonwoo. Joohyun accepted it because he thinks that her sister is matured enough to handle that and he's busy with his girlfriend.

She sighed. She placed her chin on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his stomach. "Okay. I won't accept it. If that's what you want." She looked really dissapointed that her boyfriend is unproffesional when it comes to this. But she loves him and love can control everything.

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