Chapter 26

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Wonwoo's POV

I sat up straight and put my hand on my chest, panting. I looked around. It's our apartment. I sighed heavily. It's just a dream. What kind of a dream is that?

"Oppa, it's still early." I looked to my side and there she is pulling my hand. She's sleep talking. I smiled knowing that both of us are alright.

My heart still beating fast after that dream. It's scared me so much. I can't move or speak. And the thing that really scared me is that she's crying. I've said it many times that I hate seeing her cry. I analyzed the whole scene in my dream. All white and beeping sound. Am I in a hospital? My heart beats faster. I can't be there. That's all just a dream.

I slowly removed my hand from her grasp. I went outside of our room going to the kitchen. I drank some water. My heart beat became normal again. I should forget it. I had many nightmares and that's just one of them. That nightmare when I'm being followed by a group of dogs is much scarier.

I went back in our room and sat on the bed. I looked at her as I smiled. Nothing is wrong. I'm happy with my life now. What more can happen?

So the usual routine. Nothing big happened. We eat, watch, we even played. Just the two of us. I wonder what the guys are doing? They're probably just doing what we're doing here. Or having a date with the girls.

Sunday. Last day of freedom. Tomorrow will be the start of a busy schedule. Both of us. We better get used again. No cuddling. Why is the time so fast?

"Wonwoo ah."

My eyes wandered around the place. Then back at her. That voice. It sounded like my mom.

"Did you call me?" I asked her who's infront of the tv picking a movie.

"What? No, I didn't." She replied. She went to sat beside me and rested her head on my shoulders.

I'm sure I heard someone calling me. Or maybe that's just my imagination. This is not the first time I'm hearing familiar voices. Is it just in my head? Sometimes I woke up at night hearing crying people. I felt pain in my head and my whole body. I heard people calling me repeatedly. Am I being haunted? It really creeps me out. I felt dizzy after I hear those voices. At some point, there are voices that is really familiar. Sometimes, my tears just come out of my eyes. I really don't know why.

Then I felt like my heart stopped. I can't breathe.

"Ahh....Ji...Jihae..." I called her as I grip my shirt.

I shout her name but she turn around and left. Not even looking at me.

Suddenly, I hear nothing but a beeping sound.

"Ahh!" I shouted as I felt pain in my chest. Like I'm being electrified. It sends throughout my body.

And then all turned black.

Jihae's POV

Oh God, please wake him up. It's been a week since that accident. He's been hit by a pick-up truck. That night when I went to their dorm because Joshua oppa called me and told me that Wonwoo is drunk. After he throw up on me, the others helped me to get out of the room and they called our manager to pick me up. I arrived in our dorm and changed my clothes.

And then I received a text from Seungcheol oppa that Wonwoo is been hit by a truck and he's in the ER. I quickly went to the hospital with my unnie's.

They didn't know that he went out of their dorm, still drunk. He woke up just about an hour after I leave. The others are asleep. They have just been called by the hospital that Wonwoo is in there.

Why won't he wake up? It's been a week. Some of his fans are blaming me about that accident. I really feel that it's my fault. I should have accepted him. I just can't get my mind straight at that time. That's why I said all those words.

All of his relatives visited him. Specially his parents. They don't blame me about all of these. His mom and I talked about all their memories with me. I saw how she loved her son. She's very nice. Instead of breaking down and weeping all day, she talks about happy memories and would always light up the mood when everybody is down.

"Hey. Wake up. We're all waiting for you." I whispered as I held his hand.

"He'll wake up. My son is strong." His mom said patting my back.

Suddenly, I felt him squeeze my hand. "Eo...eommoni..." I stuttered and looked at her. She's as stunned as me. She quickly pressed the button that's on the wall to call the doctor.


My whole body shivers after I finally heard his voice. He's gripping his shirt. I stood up and shake him by holding his shoulders. "Wonwoo ah! Wake up! Wake up!" Tears flows down from my eyes.

The doctors arrived and they send us out of the room.

His mom hugged me tight as she rubbed my back. The others are quietly sobbing. The boys are showing their soft side the whole week. They really have that bond with each other.

We waited for an hour then the doctor came out. We surrounded him. My heart totally pounding in nervousness.

"We did everything to save him...." He paused and looked at me.

"He keeps on calling your name." He looked at each of us.

Gosh. I hate this doctor. What's with the looking? If he isn't the one who's saving Wonwoo's life right now.

"How is he?" I asked before he blabs anything. He sighed heavily and cleared his throat. "He's okay now. I think he woke up from a long dream. By the looks of him, it's about you Jihae sshi. He..."

"Okay doc. Thank you very much." Mingyu oppa shook his hands. "Can we see him now?" He asked.

The doctor looks a bit dazed by him. He nodded and walked away.

"What kind of a doctor is that? Is he a psychologist or something?" Jaye unnie said and rolled her eyes.

"Jihae ah. You can see him first." His mom said. I nodded and slowly walked in his room.

Yay! So that's how it goes. Okay. So I'm gonna finish this book. Just a few more chapters. I'm starting to work on my other stories. And got this really good plot after watching many action films. But I'm making it different from the others.

Yeah. So please keep supporting this story. And my other stories too.

I love you all!

-Author nim

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